The Red Book with Satya & Carol - 30 Videos

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The Red Book(4).png

The Red Book with Satya & Carol - 30 Videos


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In each episode, Director of The Salome Institute, Satya Doyle Byock & Astrologer Carol Ferris, explore Carl Jung’s magnum opus, The Red Book.

Satya & Carol discuss Jung’s vast work chapter-by-chapter while reflecting on themes ranging from Jungian psychology and the history of depth psychology, the astrological relationship between Jung's time and ours, to the feminist, anti-racist, and anti-fascist relevance of this work today.

C.G. Jung’s journey into the unconscious began in 1913, just months before the sudden beginning of WWI. It was this descent, laboriously documented in a large red leather book, that underlies all of Analytical Psychology, also known as Jungian Psychology.

You do not need to be steeped in Jungian Psychology nor in astrology to enjoy these episodes.

Satya & Carol make this work socially and personally relevant for people of all backgrounds, even those with little experience with this material.

These salons were originally recorded live and began March 2020, at the start of a global pandemic, and concluded in November just before the 2020 US election. The audio from these salons were eventually turned into The Salome Podcast, available on Apple Podcast or a podcast app of your choice!

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