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New Moon in Leo with Carol Ferris

New Moon in Leo
Thursday, July 28

6-7:15 pm PDT

All Salome events are hosted online.

A link for the live event will be sent a day in advance & a recording will be sent following.

The lunation in the sign of Leo the Lion begins with a Grand Fixed Cross:

The fixed signs of the zodiac are points in the year’s round when the ignition of the preceding cardinal signs manifest materially: spirit comes down into form and an idea becomes a reality. But around this new moon in Leo, four different materially oriented energies will be polarized and squared to each other setting off a cosmic argument about which direction to move, what will dominate, and who will win. Will Mercury in Leo shout down the boss, Saturn? Will Mars in Taurus get dug in and refuse to change?

The meetup of Mars and Uranus in Taurus will clarify the direction of the revolution, getting ready for one more argument with Saturn later in the year, asking: will the status quo prevail, or will the change agents be able to push their agenda through? 

In your chart, where does this inner conversation land for you, and how will you integrate the year’s painful progress?

After the first week in August, Mercury steps into Virgo and clear-minded pattern-making will begin to prevail. This is one of the cross quarters of the year, and the halfway point between the Summer Solstice and the Autumn Equinox.

In mid-August, the Sun’s heat will touch off the Grand Cross again, so it will be a balancing act between the loudest voice and the biggest stick. The mediating influence of good instincts with consciousness will again be brought forward before the next New Moon.

Note: If you have a copy of your own horoscope, it will be possible to trace these currents to your own experiences. For more information on reading your own natal chart, you can purchase the recording of How to Read Your Own Horoscope 101.

About Carol Ferris

Carol Ferris is a full-time consulting astrologer, teacher, and private tutor of astrology with four decades of experience. She completed her MA in Interdisciplinary Studies at Marylhurst University. The title of her thesis, The Sky's Body: Constellations and Medicine reflects her ongoing interest in nature-based medicine and governance thinking of the ancient Near East and Chinese philosophers and astrologers. Carol's work with the multivalent symbols of astrology is interwoven into work with dreams and active imagination. Over the years, Carol has seen these two frameworks —astrological mapping and Jungian imagery —as mutually beckoning guides to understand how all life, in its exquisite specificity, rises from a unified field.


Online Attendance: A link for this salon will be emailed to all registrants within 24 hours of the event. Household members are welcome to join for the single login.

Recordings: A video will be emailed to all registrants within 24 hours of the event. All New Moon Salon recordings expire after one month.

Scholarships & Discounts: If finances would prevent you from joining us, please send an email with a short note. No questions asked. We would love for you to be able to join.