6:30 PM18:30

The IChing: Use and Value in Daily Life

Please join a wonderful gathering of people this Friday evening to learn about the ancient Taoist oracle The IChing, and how to engage its support for daily life and decision making. Carl Jung used the tool in similar ways to his use of dreamwork, helping to connect the irrational with the rational for more holistic understanding of the Self. It's a remarkably accurate and supportive guide when used correctly.

In this seminar, we'll learn how to use this method of divination and experience its immediate response and value. There will be plenty of time for questions and engagement and self-exploration.

As with all Salome Institute Seminars, we will be applying the academic and personal exploration to the world at large. The IChing was a close companion of many leaders and sages in times of social conflict. It supports an integrated understanding of darkness in the world, and how to work appropriately towards the return of the light. 

Location: Literary Arts, 925 SW Washington, 97205

Time: Friday, December 2nd -- 6:30pm-9pm

Cost: $25 suggested donation

Please Bring: A journal and something to write with; a copy of the IChing, preferably the R.L. Wing translation. (Typically available at Powell's). If you cannot get a copy ahead of time, I will have a few extra available for use during class.

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10:00 AM10:00

Jung and Taoism - "Secret of the Golden Flower" and "The I Ching"

In this seminar, we'll explore Jung's interest in the ancient Chinese text, The Secret of the Golden Flower, and how it connects to the Red Book and his work on alchemy and mandalas. We'll also explore the equally esoteric but fabulous I Ching, an ancient Chinese oracle used by Confucius. Exploration of the I Ching will include learning how to use it, and some practice in group.

When: 4 Wednesday mornings, October 19-November 9th*, 10am-11:30am

Cost: $120 per person (+ cost of texts)

Please purchase the following texts for this seminar:

  • Secret of the Golden Flower, edited by Richard Wilhelm, with commentary by C.G. Jung
  • The I Ching (book of changes), translated by Richard Wilhelm, with introduction by C.G. Jung (gray cover)

Optional texts:

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