10:00 AM10:00

The Astrology of 2021 with Carol Ferris

Earth into Air:

The Astrology of 2021

with Carol Ferris, MA

Sunday, December 20th

10-11:30 am PST

Event will be hosted online.

A recording of the live salon will also be sent to all registrants within 24 hours of the event.

Carol + 2021 (2).png

Astrology maps the geography and time of nature. For the coming year 2021, the topic of Air arises over and over again. The zodiac is a symbolic round of nature’s constant creativity. At the zodiacal station of Aquarius, an air sign, the deep cold and rigidity of winter and the conservation of Capricorn begins to melt and thaw as light and heat penetrate the bones, and new life shows itself.

If you’ve survived 2020, and we hope you have, you may want to know what this coming year holds.

In this salon, we’ll discuss the major currents of 2021, including:

  •             The conjunction of Jupiter & Saturn in Aquarius

  •             The transits of Jupiter & Saturn in Aquarius

  •             The transit of Uranus in Taurus and its arguments with Jupiter/Saturn

  •             The continuing influence of the ocean’s king, Neptune, in his native country, Pisces

  •             The endurance of Pluto, the underworld energy, in conservative Capricorn

  •             The three Mercury retrogrades in the air signs Aquarius, Gemini, and Libra

  • The nodal axis transits of Gemini/Sagittarius

If you have a copy of your own horoscope, it will be possible to trace these currents to your own experiences.

About Carol Ferris

Carol Ferris is a full-time consulting astrologer, teacher, and private tutor of astrology with four decades of experience. She completed her Masters in Interdisciplinary Studies at Marylhurst University. The title of her thesis, The Sky's Body: Constellations and Medicine reflects her ongoing interest in nature-based medicine and governance thinking of the ancient Near East and Chinese philosophers and astrologers. Carol's work with the multivalent symbols of astrology is interwoven into work with dreams and active imagination. Over the years, Carol has seen these two frameworks —astrological mapping and Jungian imagery —as mutually beckoning guides to understand how all life, in its exquisite specificity, rises from a unified field.


Online Attendance: A Zoom link for this salon will be emailed to all registrants within 24 hours of the event. Household members are welcome to join for the single login.

Recordings: Recordings of events will be password protected and emailed to all registrants within 24 hours of event.

Scholarships: If finances would prevent you from joining us, please send an email with a short note. No questions asked. We would love for you to be able to join.

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6:00 PM18:00

The Mythology and Depth Psychology of Octavia Butler

“The Mythology & Depth Psychology of Octavia Butler”

a discussion with Ayana Jamieson, Ph.D.

Thursday, December 17th

6-7:30 pm PST

Event will be hosted online.

A recording of the live salons will also be sent to all registrants within 24 hours of the live salon.

If you are registering after the first salon, a recording will be sent to your inbox upon registering, along with login instructions for the second salon.

Octavia Butler and Ayana Jamieson Art

While award-winning speculative and science fiction author, Octavia E. Butler, passed away nearly fifteen years ago, 2020 has been a big year in her career. Her novel Parable of the Sower, written in 1993, just hit the New York Times Best Seller’s list for the first time this fall, while Ava Duverney, Viola Davis, and others continue to work to bring her works to the small screen, adapting her novels Dawn, Wild Seed and Kindred for television.

Over the last several decades, Butler’s prescience in Parable of the Sower has not gone unnoticed. Set in the 2020s in Los Angeles, this novel references a nation beset by climate change, widespread illness, economic collapse, scarcity of necessities, and yes, a zealot politician running on the platform to “Make America Great Again.”

In this salon with Depth Psychologist and founder of the Octavia E. Butler Legacy Network, Ayana Jamieson, we’ll explore the Mythology and meaning of Octavia E. Butler’s empathetic and remarkable science fiction. In addition to her role as founder of the Legacy Network, Ayana is also an expert on Butler’s life and work, the Butler archives at the Huntington Library, and a collaborative colleague to numerous other modern authors influenced by Butler’s work.

Salome Institute Director, Satya Doyle Byock, will be in dialogue with Ayana throughout this salon. Having been immersed in multiple Butler novels since the beginning of COVID social distancing, Satya is excited to talk with Ayana about how Depth Psychology and Butler’s works intersect.

About Ayana Jamieson, Ph.D.

Ayana Jamieson, PhD

Ayana Jamieson, PhD

Ayana Jamieson is a Depth Psychologist and is the founder of the Octavia E. Butler Legacy Network, a global community committed to highlighting Octavia Butler’s life and work while creating new works inspired by Butler’s legacy. The Legacy Network grew out of Ayana’s research for her doctoral research on Butler’s life. Her dissertation is entitled, ‘Certainty of the Flesh’: A Biomythographical Reading of Octavia E. Butler’s Fictions. She is an organizer, educator, and teaches ethnic studies courses at California State University Polytechnic, Pomona.


Online Attendance: A Zoom link for this salon will be emailed to all registrants within 24 hours of the event. Household members are welcome to join for the single login.

Recordings: Recordings of events will be password protected and emailed to all registrants within 24 hours of event.

Scholarships: If finances would prevent you from joining us, please send an email with a short note. No questions asked. We would love for you to be able to join.

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An I Ching Gathering for Group Practice & Personal Consultation
10:00 AM10:00

An I Ching Gathering for Group Practice & Personal Consultation

An I Ching Gathering for Personal Consultation & Community Practice

with Satya Doyle Byock, MA

Sunday, December 13th

10-11:30am PST

Event will be hosted online.

Access link is shared with registrants 24hrs before event & a recording is shared within 24hrs following.

The recording for this salon will expire after 1 week in order to protect confidentiality.

black and white image of satya, three pennies and a journal

Following some brief remarks, Satya Doyle Byock will guide all participants through the simple ritual practice of consulting the I Ching. The focus of this salon will be on responses and community discussion.

This salon is primarily for those who already have a basic working knowledge of how to consult the I Ching.

Satya will not be teaching the mechanics of how to use the I Ching, but guiding discussion into the greater nuance in how it works and how to receive its guidance. There will be plenty of space for questions and answers to make sure everyone is finding their way.

Participants will be encouraged to engage with one another around their questions and the hexagrams received. Satya will be a guide throughout, available as a resource for psychological interpretation for individual inquiries and for overall group learning.

This salon is likely the beginning of a monthly gathering for group practice & dialogue sessions with the I Ching on the second Sunday of every month (subject to change!)

Given the somewhat personal nature and focus on sharing in these salons, recordings will only be available for one week following the live gathering.

If you have yet to learn the basics of consulting the I Ching, you can purchase the recording of Satya’s salon on “How to Use the I Ching, which makes this material accessible and prepares you for these monthly gatherings.

Please bring your journal, your copies of the I Ching, and three pennies or coins of the same value for practice. Satya encourages all registrants to purchase at least one or two translations of the I Ching soon, if you don’t already own your own copy. You can find her recommended translations here.

About Satya Doyle Byock

Satya Doyle Byock is the founder and Director of The Salome Institute. She is a psychotherapist in private practice in Portland, Oregon and the founder of, a depth psychological resource for people in the first half of adulthood. Satya was previously on staff at the Philemon Foundation, which exists to publish Jung's unpublished archives, including The Red Book. She has twenty years of experience using the I Ching in personal practice. Her writing has been published in multiple locations, including The Utne Reader, goop and the Jungian journal, Psychological Perspectives. Her article “Salome: the Antidote” was awarded the Cambridge Jung Circle Essay prize in 2019. She has been interviewed for her work on Quarterlife for the goop podcast, and has recordings available through the Simple Habit meditation app. Her book on Quarterlife is forthcoming from Random House.


Scholarships: If finances would prevent you from joining us, please send an email with a short note. No questions asked. We would love for you to be able to join.

Online Attendance: A Zoom link for this salon will be emailed to all registrants within 24 hours of the event, or immediately if you are purchasing the day-of. Household members are welcome to join for the single login.

Recordings: Recordings of events will be password protected and emailed to all registrants within 24hours of event.

Recording Expires: As this is an interactive gathering with personal information, the recording will expire after just one week. If you register but are unable to attend live for some reason, you will have one week to access the salon recording.

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Carl Jung & Hildegard of Bingen with Kayleen Asbo - Part 2
6:00 PM18:00

Carl Jung & Hildegard of Bingen with Kayleen Asbo - Part 2

Carl Jung & Hildegard of Bingen

with Kayleen Asbo, Ph.D.

Thursdays, December 3rd & 10th

6-7:30 pm PST

Event will be hosted online.

A recording of the live salons will also be sent to all registrants within 24 hours of the live salon.

If you are registering after the first salon, a recording will be sent to your inbox upon registering, along with login instructions for the second salon.

Carl Jung and Hildegard of Bingen were both powerful mystics whose connection to transpersonal forces led them to boldly embrace unconventional lives of healing and wholeness. Jung's visionary experiences in the 20th century became the basis for his celebrated Red Book from which all of his later work on Analytical Psychology emerged.

Some 900 years before, the Benedictine Abbess Hildegard of Bingen had a midlife awakening that opened the floodgates of inspiration, leading her to become a  theologian, playwright, composer, and pioneer of natural medicine as well as a spiritual director and artist.

In this visually rich presentation in two parts, cultural historian and mythologist Dr. Kayleen Asbo will present on the parallels between their lives and works, and how their profound insights can help embolden us now with courage to pursue our own inner knowing and individuation.

Part 1: The Awakenings of Jung & Hildegard

Part 2: The Call to Fierce Compassion

About Kayleen Asbo, Ph.D.

Kayleen Asbo, Ph.D. is a faculty member of Ubiquity University's Wisdom School. She has taught about the intersection of Depth Psychology with Christian traditions at Pacifica Graduate Institute and in colleges, seminaries, and cathedrals throughout the world as well as at the Osher Life Long Learning Institutes at UC Berkeley, Sonoma State University, and Dominican University. Dr. Asbo's dissertation, Passion and Paradox: The Myths of Mary Magdalene in Music, Art and Culture, resulted in her being the pre-concert lecturer for the San Francisco Opera's worldwide premiere of Mark Adamo's Gospel of Mary Magdalene. In addition, Kayleen holds three master's degrees in music (piano performance), mythology, and psychology. Kayleen has been a guest presenter and lecturer on the intersection of history, mythology, psychology, and the arts at Oxford University in England, the Assisi Institute of Depth Psychology Conference in Italy, Chartres Cathedral in France, Grace Cathedral, and the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, and at Jung Institutes across the world. A faculty member of the San Francisco Conservatory of Music for nineteen years, she is also the music historian in residence for the  Santa Rosa Symphony. As the Creative Director and Resident Mythologist for Mythica, Kayleen leads interdisciplinary workshops and retreats throughout the country and offers pilgrimages to sacred sites in Europe every year—this year, because of covid, through a series of virtual retreats that have been hailed as "lifesaving tapestries of beauty and hope."


Carl Jung and Hildegard of Bingen - Two Videos

If you are registering after December 3rd, the first salon, a recording will be sent to your inbox upon registering, along with login instructions for the second salon.

Online Attendance: A Zoom link for this salon will be emailed to all registrants within 24 hours of the event. Household members are welcome to join for the single login.

Recordings: Recordings of events will be password protected and emailed to all registrants within 24 hours of event.

Scholarships: If finances would prevent you from joining us, please send an email with a short note. No questions asked. We would love for you to be able to join.

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Carl Jung & Hildegard of Bingen with Kayleen Asbo - Part 1
6:00 PM18:00

Carl Jung & Hildegard of Bingen with Kayleen Asbo - Part 1

Carl Jung & Hildegard of Bingen

with Kayleen Asbo, Ph.D.

Thursdays, December 3rd & 10th

6-7:30 pm PST

Event will be hosted online.

A recording of the live salon will also be sent to all registrants within 24 hours of the live salon.

Carl Jung and Hildegard of Bingen were both powerful mystics whose connection to transpersonal forces led them to boldly embrace unconventional lives of healing and wholeness. Jung's visionary experiences in the 20th century became the basis for his celebrated Red Book from which all of his later work on Analytical Psychology emerged.

Some 900 years before, the Benedictine Abbess Hildegard of Bingen had a midlife awakening that opened the floodgates of inspiration, leading her to become a  theologian, playwright, composer, and pioneer of natural medicine as well as a spiritual director and artist.

In this visually rich presentation in two parts, cultural historian and mythologist Dr. Kayleen Asbo will present on the parallels between their lives and works, and how their profound insights can help embolden us now with courage to pursue our own inner knowing and individuation.

Part 1: The Awakenings of Jung & Hildegard

Part 2: The Call to Fierce Compassion

About Kayleen Asbo, Ph.D.

Kayleen Asbo, Ph.D. is a faculty member of Ubiquity University's Wisdom School. She has taught about the intersection of Depth Psychology with Christian traditions at Pacifica Graduate Institute and in colleges, seminaries, and cathedrals throughout the world as well as at the Osher Life Long Learning Institutes at UC Berkeley, Sonoma State University, and Dominican University. Dr. Asbo's dissertation, Passion and Paradox: The Myths of Mary Magdalene in Music, Art and Culture, resulted in her being the pre-concert lecturer for the San Francisco Opera's worldwide premiere of Mark Adamo's Gospel of Mary Magdalene. In addition, Kayleen holds three master's degrees in music (piano performance), mythology, and psychology. Kayleen has been a guest presenter and lecturer on the intersection of history, mythology, psychology, and the arts at Oxford University in England, the Assisi Institute of Depth Psychology Conference in Italy, Chartres Cathedral in France, Grace Cathedral, and the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, and at Jung Institutes across the world. A faculty member of the San Francisco Conservatory of Music for nineteen years, she is also the music historian in residence for the  Santa Rosa Symphony. As the Creative Director and Resident Mythologist for Mythica, Kayleen leads interdisciplinary workshops and retreats throughout the country and offers pilgrimages to sacred sites in Europe every year—this year, because of covid, through a series of virtual retreats that have been hailed as "lifesaving tapestries of beauty and hope.”


Carl Jung and Hildegard of Bingen - Two Videos

Online Attendance: A Zoom link for this salon will be emailed to all registrants within 24 hours of the event. Household members are welcome to join for the single login.

Recordings: Recordings of events will be password protected and emailed to all registrants within 24 hours of event.

Scholarships: If finances would prevent you from joining us, please send an email with a short note. No questions asked. We would love for you to be able to join.

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"The Black Books and Bollingen Tower: Before and After Jung's Red Book"
10:00 AM10:00

"The Black Books and Bollingen Tower: Before and After Jung's Red Book"

"The Black Books and the Bollingen Tower: Before and After Jung's Red Book"

A discussion with Jung’s great-grandson, Daniel Baumann

Sunday, November 22nd

10-11:30am PST

Event will be hosted online.

A recording will also be sent to all registrants within 24 hours of the live salon.

Daniel Baumann Architect and the Bollingen Estate

Before The Red Book, the illuminated manuscript of C.G. Jung’s “confrontation with the unconscious,” there were the Black Books, the notebooks of Jung’s years-long dialogue with inner figures and thus, the foundation of what was to become Analytical Psychology. These black notebooks captured Jung’s experimentation with inner dialogue and the development of Active Imagination, a core technique of Jung’s psychology. Recorded primarily between 1913 and 1917, these recently published works provide even more insight into Jung’s psychology and personal history than we have had with the extraordinary Red Book.

After The Red Book, as Jung was finishing the compilation of this massive calligraphic text, bound in red leather and illuminated with countless detailed paintings, he began to manifest the visions from his encounter with the unconscious in physical, three-dimensional form. Jung purchased land on a lakeshore near Zurich in the early 1920s and began to build a structure that has come to be known as Bollingen Tower. According to Red Book editor, Sonu Shamdasani: “The tower may be regarded as a three-dimensional continuation of Liber Novus” (reader, p. 78). Bollingen Tower the third iteration of Jung’s magnum opus and inner journey.

In this salon, Jung’s great-grandson, former President of CG Jung Institute Zürich, and master architect, Daniel Baumann, will be in discussion with Salome Institute director, Satya Doyle Byock, about the full journey from Jung’s Black Books, to The Red Book, to Bollingen Tower, a place he loves dearly. There is no better guide to take us on this journey.

You can hear a wonderful interview with Daniel Baumann in NPR’s story on The Red Book in 2009.

About Daniel Baumann

In addition to being a senior architect, Head of Construction Area A, and a Member of the Executive Board at the Building Authority of the Canton of Zurich, Daniel Baumann was previously the owner and director of his own architectural firm in Zürich, Switzerland for thirty years. As C.G. Jung’s great-grandson, Daniel has thoughtfully navigated his relationship to the Jungian world and his own lineage since his teen years. He has served in multiple roles within the CG Jung Institute Zürich, including as President for five years, and as a member of the Curatorium from 2000 to 2012. Since 2012 he has served as a member of the Institute’s patronage. From 2015 to 2019 Daniel has served on the Board of Directors for the CG Jung Foundation Zurich, an internationally supporting foundation for Analytical Psychology to which he remains connected today as a Friend of the Board. In 2010, Daniel was a co-organizer of the Zurich Red Book exhibition at the Rietberg Museum Zurich. In 2011 he was a co-organizer of the 50th anniversary of Jung’s death in Zurich, with an accompanying academic program. Daniel has also led a number of guided tours for official groups to Bollingen Tower, including students from the Jung Institute Zurich and Pacifica Graduate Institute. Throughout his life, Daniel has spent a great deal of time at Bollingen Tower, a place he has loved both as an architect and as a descendent of C.G. Jung.


Bollingen Tower with Daniel Baumann - One Video

This is a recording of a live salon from November 22, 2020.

Once you complete your purchase, an email with the recording will be automatically mailed to you.

Online Attendance: A Zoom link for this salon will be emailed to all registrants within 24 hours of the event. Household members are welcome to join for the single login.

Recordings: Recordings of events will be password protected and emailed to all registrants within 24 hours of event.

Scholarships: If finances would prevent you from joining us, please send an email with a short note. No questions asked. We would love for you to be able to join.

Your purchase of the Black Books through this link supports The Salome Institute and local bookstores nationwide.

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Active Imagination & Dreamwork for Social Change: With Dr. Sharon D. Johnson
10:00 AM10:00

Active Imagination & Dreamwork for Social Change: With Dr. Sharon D. Johnson

Healing the Soul of our Culture:

Active Imagination & Dreamwork for Social Change

A Two-Part Seminar with Dr. Sharon D. Johnson

Saturdays, November 14th & 21st

10-12pm PT

1-3pm EDT

Online event via Zoom - registration limited

November & December Seminars with Dr. Johnson are Sold Out.

Please join the wait lists below.

artist unknown

artist unknown

 In Jung’s CW 15, The Spirit in Man, Art, and Literature, he elaborates that our most powerful creative ideas and knowledge emerge from the Unconscious. This deep well of wisdom is available to everyone, most directly through depth psychological exercises such as dream work and active imagination. With regular practice, the alchemical transformation that can result has the capacity to get us “unstuck” from deeply entrenched imbalances in the individual and cultural psyche.

In the first session of “Healing the Soul of our Culture,” participant volunteers will be guided through an active imagination exercise in the West African “Way of Council”* format. With the resulting active imagination content in mind, a collective dream intention will be set, and participants will return for the second session with any dream material they have. We will work this dream material to uncover any wisdom or guidance about concrete actions we can take to effect change that can heal the soul of our culture.

The intended outcome of “Healing the Soul of Our Culture” is to empower and prompt participants into a state of witnessed and supported reflection, transformation, and generation of their own ideas on how to build and create a healed and just society.

*Active imagination involves posing pertinent questions that guide and direct participants. The Way of Council is a way of communication that allows everyone time to share as other participants witness by listening without interruption, intellectual debate, or conditioned response.

About the Instructor:

Dr. Sharon D. Johnson

Dr. Sharon D. Johnson

Sharon D. Johnson Ph.D is a screenwriter, dream educator, and scholar of television, film, and African American arts; literature; and culture. She has been a published critical and feature story writer for over 30 years, and a member of the Writers Guild of America, West since 1993. She served as Chair of the Writers Guild Committee of Black Writers from 1999 to 2003. Dr. Johnson has published and presented her precedent original research on Zora Neale Hurston and Langston Hughes, and on the ancient depth psychological practice of dream work, via numerous venues in the field. Her essay, “Conscious Daughters: Psychological Migration, Individuation, and the Declaration of Black Female Identity in Daughters of the Dust” is included in the recently published anthology, Teaching Daughters of the Dust as a Womanist Film and the Black Arts Aesthetic of Filmmaker Julie Dash (Peter Lang). She is a graduate of Barnard College and holds an MA in Media Studies from the New School. Dr. Johnson has taught screenwriting; Black popular culture; and African American literature at California State University Northridge, and her original senior seminar on race; gender; and screen adaptations at Emerson College Los Angeles.


November & December seminars have sold-out

Online Attendance: Registrants will receive an email one week in advance requesting registration confirmation. This confirms that you are receiving our emails and will be present at the seminars. Please check your spam folder if you feel you haven’t received anything.

Household Members: Please do not have anyone other than yourself attending the online salons either at the screen or behind the screen. We are working to create sacred space in these gatherings and that requires a degree of confidence in who is present.

Recordings: These seminars will not be recorded due to the personal material shared by participants.

Discounts: If you could use a scholarship or discount in order to participate, please send an email with a short note. We cannot guarantee access as these are smaller gatherings but are committed to making the seminars accessible.

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How to Use the I Ching for Guidance
10:00 AM10:00

How to Use the I Ching for Guidance

How to Use the I Ching for Individual & Collective Guidance

Instruction for Beginner’s

with Satya Doyle Byock, MA

Sunday, November 15th

10-12pm PST /

Salon will be hosted online.

Access link is shared with registrants 24hrs before event & a recording is shared within 24hrs following.

Have you been curious about The I Ching? Have you wanted to learn how (and when) to “throw” the I Ching on your own?

The I Ching is an ancient book of wisdom and the world’s oldest oracular tradition to which many people still look for guidance.

In this two hour salon, Salome Institute Director, Satya Doyle Byock, will offer an introduction to the use of the I Ching for daily life and social practice. This book of 64 Hexagrams can be used to support self-knowledge, the development of consciousness, and “right practice” in a struggling society.

Use it in your own life for inquiry around big and small life decisions, insight into personal relationships, and guidance on responding to collective suffering.

After the initial “how to” presentation in the live salon, approximately one hour, there will be ample time for questions and discussion.

Registration includes the video recording mailed within 24 hours of the live salon. The recording will be evergreen, available for continued consultation into the future.

Satya encourages all registrants to purchase one or two translations of the I Ching soon, if you don’t already own your own copy. Her favorites for beginners are the R.L. Wing “Workbook” or Stephen Karcher’s “Total I Ching.”

About Satya Doyle Byock, MA

Satya Doyle Byock is the founder and director of The Salome Institute. She is a psychotherapist in private practice and founder of Quarterlife, a Jungian psychotherapy practice and resource center focused on people in the first half of adulthood. Satya was previously on staff at the Philemon Foundation, which exists to publish Jung's unpublished archives, including The Red Book. Her writing has been published in The Utne Reader, Oregon Humanities Magazine, goop, Psychological Perspectives, and elsewhere. Her book on Quarterlife is forthcoming from Random House in 2021.


How to Use the I Ching - One Video

Satya Doyle Byock teaches the mechanics of the I Ching for daily practice. In this “how to” salon Satya recommends various translations and explores the connection between the I Ching and what Carl Jung called the transcendent function.

Upon purchase, you will receive an email with the private link to the recording to stream as well as supplementary materials for self-study.

The recording is 2.5hrs long — approx 1 hr of lecture and 1.5hours of questions and group practice.

(Live Salon was on November 15, 202)

This recording is for streaming and cannot be downloaded.

Online Attendance: A Zoom link for this salon will be emailed to all registrants within 24 hours of the event.

Recordings: A recording of this salon will be password protected and emailed to all registrants within 24 hours of event.

Scholarships & Discounts: If finances would prevent you from joining us, please send an email with a short note. No questions asked.

To make the most of this salon, you’ll want to have:

One (or more) translations of The I Ching — If you don’t have a translation on hand, you can use online resources! A journal & pen/pencil, and three pennies.

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Active Imagination & Dreamwork for Social Change: With Dr. Sharon D. Johnson
10:00 AM10:00

Active Imagination & Dreamwork for Social Change: With Dr. Sharon D. Johnson

Healing the Soul of our Culture:

Active Imagination & Dreamwork for Social Change

A Two-Part Seminar with Dr. Sharon D. Johnson

Saturdays, November 14th & 21st

10-12pm PT

Online event via Zoom - registration limited

Seminars are Sold Out & Waitlist is Filled

Please join the wait lists below.

artist unknown

artist unknown

 In Jung’s CW 15, The Spirit in Man, Art, and Literature, he elaborates that our most powerful creative ideas and knowledge emerge from the Unconscious. This deep well of wisdom is available to everyone, most directly through depth psychological exercises such as dream work and active imagination. With regular practice, the alchemical transformation that can result has the capacity to get us “unstuck” from deeply entrenched imbalances in the individual and cultural psyche.

In the first session of “Healing the Soul of our Culture,” participant volunteers will be guided through an active imagination exercise in the West African “Way of Council”* format. With the resulting active imagination content in mind, a collective dream intention will be set, and participants will return for the second session with any dream material they have. We will work this dream material to uncover any wisdom or guidance about concrete actions we can take to effect change that can heal the soul of our culture.

The intended outcome of “Healing the Soul of Our Culture” is to empower and prompt participants into a state of witnessed and supported reflection, transformation, and generation of their own ideas on how to build and create a healed and just society.

*Active imagination involves posing pertinent questions that guide and direct participants. The Way of Council is a way of communication that allows everyone time to share as other participants witness by listening without interruption, intellectual debate, or conditioned response.

About the Instructor:

Dr. Sharon D. Johnson

Dr. Sharon D. Johnson

Sharon D. Johnson Ph.D is a screenwriter, dream educator, and scholar of television, film, and African American arts; literature; and culture. She has been a published critical and feature story writer for over 30 years, and a member of the Writers Guild of America, West since 1993. She served as Chair of the Writers Guild Committee of Black Writers from 1999 to 2003. Dr. Johnson has published and presented her precedent original research on Zora Neale Hurston and Langston Hughes, and on the ancient depth psychological practice of dream work, via numerous venues in the field. Her essay, “Conscious Daughters: Psychological Migration, Individuation, and the Declaration of Black Female Identity in Daughters of the Dust” is included in the recently published anthology, Teaching Daughters of the Dust as a Womanist Film and the Black Arts Aesthetic of Filmmaker Julie Dash (Peter Lang). She is a graduate of Barnard College and holds an MA in Media Studies from the New School. Dr. Johnson has taught screenwriting; Black popular culture; and African American literature at California State University Northridge, and her original senior seminar on race; gender; and screen adaptations at Emerson College Los Angeles.


UPDATE — November & December Dreamwork Seminars are SOLD OUT — please join waitlist below.

Online Attendance: Registrants will receive an email one week in advance requesting registration confirmation. This confirms that you are receiving our emails and will be present at the seminars. Please check your spam folder if you feel you haven’t received anything.

Household Members: Please do not have anyone other than yourself attending the online salons either at the screen or behind the screen. We are working to create sacred space in these gatherings and that requires a degree of confidence in who is present.

Recordings: These seminars will not be recorded due to the personal material shared by participants.

Discounts: If you could use a scholarship or discount in order to participate, please send an email with a short note. We cannot guarantee access as these are smaller gatherings but are committed to making the seminars accessible.

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10:00 AM10:00

The Astrology of Jung's Red Book - Episode 29

Episode 29 -

Jung's Red Book: The Astrology & Story for Our Times

Our Last Gathering!

November 1st, 10-11am PDT

1pm EDT

Remember DAYLIGHT SAVINGS! Double-check the time.

With Astrologer Carol Ferris & Salome Institute Director, Satya Doyle Byock

Click here to join us through Zoom

Password: 791801 // Meeting ID: 860 600 239

For more detailed instructions for Salons via Zoom — click here

Wrap-up & Discussion !

Tell us all about your experience in following along with Jung’s Red Book, and us, throughout these last weeks and months. We’re looking forward to gathering with the community.

C.G. Jung’s Red Book

C.G. Jung’s Red Book


We welcome your small donations to keep this programming happening and free for all who want to join. Thank you!

It is more important now than ever for us to stay connected to Soul, symbolism, and the unconscious right now, lest we all go mad with the ever changing chaos above ground.

Each Sunday, please join Astrologer Carol Ferris and the Director of The Salome Institute, Satya Doyle Byock, as we explore Jung’s Red Book story by story, weaving the personal and collective psychology of these times throughout.

No matter your background in Jung’s work or in astrology, we welcome your presence. Order your own copy to follow along with the reading: The Red Book reader’s edition, or the larger facsimile edition.

Carl Jung’s journey into the unconscious began in 1913, just months before the sudden beginning of WWI. The astrology of that time is, in several respects, much like the astrology of ours.

In the midst of this global pandemic, with the contraction back into our homes and out of the extroverted world, Jung’s encounter with his own soul provides a map for us towards the re-connection with our own.

In many respects, Jung anticipated this time and left us instructions.

All salon videos are posted on the resources page later on the day of the salons.

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"When a Toy Dog Became a Wolf" with author Hendrika de Vries
6:00 PM18:00

"When a Toy Dog Became a Wolf" with author Hendrika de Vries

“When a Toy Dog Became a Wolf and the Moon Broke Curfew”

A discussion with celebrated author and professor of depth psychology, Hendrika de Vries, on her stunning WWII memoir

Tuesday, October 27th

6-7:30 pm PST

This event will be hosted online.

A recording of the live salon will also be sent to all registrants within 24 hours of the live salon.


Born in the Netherlands, at a time when girls were to be housewives and mothers and nothing else, Hendrika de Vries was a "daddy's girl" until her father was deported from Nazi-occupied Amsterdam to a POW camp in Germany and her mother joined the Resistance.

In her stunning memoir, “When a Toy Dog Became a Wolf and the Moon Broke Curfew,” about her childhood experiences in WWII Holland, Hendrika recounts in beautiful, tragic prose how she watched as freedoms formerly taken for granted were eroded with escalating brutality by men with swastika armbands. She knew they aimed to exterminate those they deemed "inferior" and those who did not obey.

Hendrika recounts her mother’s courage in hiding a young Jewish woman in their home—Hendrika’s “step-sister”—and how they were then interrogated at gunpoint. Hendrika and her mother suffered near-starvation and narrowly escaped death on the day of liberation.

This memoir, by a professor of depth psychology, brilliant therapist, and dream worker is brimming with wisdom, imagery, and tragic relevance for our current socio-political situation.

In this salon, Director of the Salome Institute, Satya Doyle Byock, will host Hendrika de Vries for a discussion of her memoir, and how depth psychology has influenced her life and work.

About Hendrika de Vries

Hendrika de Vries

Hendrika de Vries

Hendrika deVries was born and raised in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

She became a swimming champion, wife and young mother in Adelaide, South Australia.

She gave birth to her third baby, got her B.A., and earned a Phi Beta Kappa, in Denver, Colorado.

A move to Washington D.C. precipitated a search for meaning and a spiritual quest that led to her immersion in the Depth Psychology of Carl Jung, an M.T.S in theological studies at Virginia Theological Seminary, a journey to Greece in search of the mythical Goddess and a move to Santa Barbara, California, for a degree in psychology.

A Jungian-oriented Marriage and Family therapist for over thirty years, she has used dreams and intuitive imagination to facilitate recovery and healing of trauma, address life transitions and relational issues, and empower women.

She enjoys public speaking, and as a teacher and lecturer at Pacifica Graduate Institute helped students explore the archetypal and cultural patterns in their life stories.

The mother of three grown children and four millennial grandchildren, she lives with her husband, Harlan, in Santa Barbara, where she writes and swims.


Online Attendance: A Zoom link for this salon will be emailed to all registrants within 24 hours of the event. Household members are welcome to join for the single login.

Recordings: Recordings of events will be password protected and emailed to all registrants within 24 hours of event.

Scholarships: If finances would prevent you from joining us, please send an email with a short note. No questions asked. We would love for you to be able to join.

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10:00 AM10:00

The Astrology of Jung's Red Book - Episode 28

Episode 28 -

Jung's Red Book: The Astrology & Story for Our Times

Free Sunday Salons - Each Week Online

October 25th, 10-11am PDT

1pm EDT

With Astrologer Carol Ferris & Salome Institute Director, Satya Doyle Byock

Click here to join us through Zoom

Password: 791801 // Meeting ID: 860 600 239

For more detailed instructions for Salons via Zoom — click here

Chapter for this week: “Scrutinies”

The Epilogue from Jung’s Red Book

The Epilogue from Jung’s Red Book


We welcome your small donations to keep this programming happening and free for all who want to join. Thank you!

It is more important now than ever for us to stay connected to Soul, symbolism, and the unconscious right now, lest we all go mad with the ever changing chaos above ground.

Each Sunday, please join Astrologer Carol Ferris and the Director of The Salome Institute, Satya Doyle Byock, as we explore Jung’s Red Book story by story, weaving the personal and collective psychology of these times throughout.

No matter your background in Jung’s work or in astrology, we welcome your presence. Order your own copy to follow along with the reading: The Red Book reader’s edition, or the larger facsimile edition.

Carl Jung’s journey into the unconscious began in 1913, just months before the sudden beginning of WWI. The astrology of that time is, in several respects, much like the astrology of ours.

In the midst of this global pandemic, with the contraction back into our homes and out of the extroverted world, Jung’s encounter with his own soul provides a map for us towards the re-connection with our own.

In many respects, Jung anticipated this time and left us instructions.

All salon videos are posted on the resources page later on the day of the salons.

View Event →
10:00 AM10:00

The Astrology of Jung's Red Book - Episode 27

Episode 27 -

Jung's Red Book: The Astrology & Story for Our Times

Free Sunday Salons - Each Week Online

October 18th, 10-11am PDT

1pm EDT

There will not be a Q&A today. We’ll end promptly at 11am PDT.

With Astrologer Carol Ferris & Salome Institute Director, Satya Doyle Byock

Click here to join us through Zoom

Password: 791801 // Meeting ID: 860 600 239

For more detailed instructions for Salons via Zoom — click here

Chapter for this week: “The Magician” - Part 2

From Jung’s Red Book

From Jung’s Red Book


We welcome your small donations to keep this programming happening and free for all who want to join. Thank you!

It is more important now than ever for us to stay connected to Soul, symbolism, and the unconscious right now, lest we all go mad with the ever changing chaos above ground.

Each Sunday, please join Astrologer Carol Ferris and the Director of The Salome Institute, Satya Doyle Byock, as we explore Jung’s Red Book story by story, weaving the personal and collective psychology of these times throughout.

No matter your background in Jung’s work or in astrology, we welcome your presence. Order your own copy to follow along with the reading: The Red Book reader’s edition, or the larger facsimile edition.

Carl Jung’s journey into the unconscious began in 1913, just months before the sudden beginning of WWI. The astrology of that time is, in several respects, much like the astrology of ours.

In the midst of this global pandemic, with the contraction back into our homes and out of the extroverted world, Jung’s encounter with his own soul provides a map for us towards the re-connection with our own.

In many respects, Jung anticipated this time and left us instructions.

All salon videos are posted on the resources page later on the day of the salons.

View Event →
10:00 AM10:00

The Astrology of Jung's Red Book - Episode 26

Episode 26 -

Jung's Red Book: The Astrology & Story for Our Times

Free Sunday Salons - Each Week Online

October 11th, 10-11am PDT

1pm EDT

With Astrologer Carol Ferris & Salome Institute Director, Satya Doyle Byock

Click here to join us through Zoom

Password: 791801 // Meeting ID: 860 600 239

For more detailed instructions for Salons via Zoom — click here

Chapter for this week: “The Magician” - Part 1

From Jung’s Red Book

From Jung’s Red Book


We welcome your small donations to keep this programming happening and free for all who want to join. Thank you!

It is more important now than ever for us to stay connected to Soul, symbolism, and the unconscious right now, lest we all go mad with the ever changing chaos above ground.

Each Sunday, please join Astrologer Carol Ferris and the Director of The Salome Institute, Satya Doyle Byock, as we explore Jung’s Red Book story by story, weaving the personal and collective psychology of these times throughout.

No matter your background in Jung’s work or in astrology, we welcome your presence. Order your own copy to follow along with the reading: The Red Book reader’s edition, or the larger facsimile edition.

Carl Jung’s journey into the unconscious began in 1913, just months before the sudden beginning of WWI. The astrology of that time is, in several respects, much like the astrology of ours.

In the midst of this global pandemic, with the contraction back into our homes and out of the extroverted world, Jung’s encounter with his own soul provides a map for us towards the re-connection with our own.

In many respects, Jung anticipated this time and left us instructions.

All salon videos are posted on the resources page later on the day of the salons.

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6:00 PM18:00

The Age of Aquarius: An Illuminating Discussion with Carol Ferris

The Age of Aquarius: This is the Dawning

An Illuminating Discussion with Carol Ferris

Thursday, October 8th

6-7:30pm PDT

Event will be hosted online.

Access link is shared with registrants 24hrs before event & a recording is shared within 24hrs following.

Image from the Library of Congress

Image from the Library of Congress

You can hear the song from 1969, right? 

When the Moon is in the Seventh House / And Jupiter aligns with Mars / Then peace will guide the planets, / and love will steer the stars. / This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius / Harmony and understanding / Sympathy and trust abounding / No more falsehoods or derisions / Golden living dreams of visions / Mystic crystal revelation / And the mind's true liberation.

Yes, please!

It’s been 50 years since that song but the hope for the dawning of the Age of Aquarius is returning again these days. The planets Jupiter and Saturn line up in the same longitudinal degree of the same zodiac sign every 20 years, known as a conjunction. But when they meet up in the zodiac sign Aquarius this December 20, 2020, they will form up a Great Conjunction: this only happens every 200 years. It is a shift in element — from earth signs to air signs — and initiates a new astrological phase, moving towards light from dark.

Cosmologists ancient and modern—including astrologers—reflect on time and nature. The Zodiac, a 360º measurement wheel, locates our solar system in relation to the vast galaxy through which it moves. The entire solar system rotates “backwards” along the zodiac, spending approximately 2,000 years per 30º division of the wheel.

Each zodiac sign, like Aquarius, is a symbol of earthly experience of the rhythms of light and dark, invoking eruption, stability, growth, maturity, and death in natural sequence.  

In recorded history, we can trace the Great Ages of Gemini, Taurus, Aries and the last 2,000 years of Pisces. Each age can be understood as a long, decisive arc of development. Our next stage of development is the Age of Aquarius.

The Age of Aquarius, arriving after its announcement so many years ago, looks to the symbolism of that sign: shifting from matter to spirit; from egotistic materialism and hope for personal redemption to shared feelings and aspirations; from the long ago matriarchal/patriarchal tensions to an age of equality and androgyny. And it can’t come soon enough!

Join Carol Ferris in conversation with Salome Institute Director, Satya Doyle Byock, as they explore with hope, curiosity, and scholarship, the coming Age of Aquarius and what may be unfolding and transforming in our world today.

About Carol Ferris

Carol Ferris is a full-time consulting astrologer, teacher, and private tutor of astrology with four decades of experience. She completed her Masters in Interdisciplinary Studies at Marylhurst University. The title of her thesis, The Sky's Body: Constellations and Medicine reflects her ongoing interest in the nature-based medicine and governance thinking of the ancient Near East and Chinese philosophers and astrologers. Carol's work with the multivalent symbols of astrology is interwoven into work with dreams and active imagination. Over the years, Carol has seen these two frameworks —astrological mapping and Jungian imagery —as mutually beckoning guides to understanding how all life, in its exquisite specificity, rises from a unified field.

*Lyrics from the musical “Hair”


Online Attendance: A Zoom link for this salon will be emailed to all registrants within 24 hours of the event. Household members are welcome to join for the single login.

Recordings: Recordings of events will be password protected and emailed to all registrants within 24hours of event. Recording access will expire one month following the salon.

Discounts & Scholarships: If finances would prevent you from joining us, please send an email with a short note. No questions asked. We would love for you to be able to join.

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10:00 AM10:00

The Astrology of Jung's Red Book - Episode 25

Episode 25 -

Jung's Red Book: The Astrology & Story for Our Times

Free Sunday Salons - Each Week Online

October 4th, 10-11am PDT

1pm EDT

With Astrologer Carol Ferris & Salome Institute Director, Satya Doyle Byock

Click here to join us through Zoom

Password: 791801 // Meeting ID: 860 600 239

For more detailed instructions for Salons via Zoom — click here

Chapter for this week: “The Way of the Cross”

From Jung’s Red Book

From Jung’s Red Book


We welcome your small donations to keep this programming happening and free for all who want to join. Thank you!

It is more important now than ever for us to stay connected to Soul, symbolism, and the unconscious right now, lest we all go mad with the ever changing chaos above ground.

Each Sunday, please join Astrologer Carol Ferris and the Director of The Salome Institute, Satya Doyle Byock, as we explore Jung’s Red Book story by story, weaving the personal and collective psychology of these times throughout.

No matter your background in Jung’s work or in astrology, we welcome your presence. Order your own copy to follow along with the reading: The Red Book reader’s edition, or the larger facsimile edition.

Carl Jung’s journey into the unconscious began in 1913, just months before the sudden beginning of WWI. The astrology of that time is, in several respects, much like the astrology of ours.

In the midst of this global pandemic, with the contraction back into our homes and out of the extroverted world, Jung’s encounter with his own soul provides a map for us towards the re-connection with our own.

In many respects, Jung anticipated this time and left us instructions.

All salon videos are posted on the resources page later on the day of the salons.

View Event →
10:00 AM10:00

The Astrology of Jung's Red Book - Episode 24

Episode 24 -

Jung's Red Book: The Astrology & Story for Our Times

Free Sunday Salons - Each Week Online

September 27th, 10-11am PDT

1pm EDT

With Astrologer Carol Ferris & Salome Institute Director, Satya Doyle Byock

Click here to join us through Zoom

Password: 791801 // Meeting ID: 860 600 239

For more detailed instructions for Salons via Zoom — click here

Chapter for this week: “The Gift of Magic”

Jung’s Red Book

Jung’s Red Book


We welcome your small donations to keep this programming happening and free for all who want to join. Thank you!

It is more important now than ever for us to stay connected to Soul, symbolism, and the unconscious right now, lest we all go mad with the ever changing chaos above ground.

Each Sunday, please join Astrologer Carol Ferris and the Director of The Salome Institute, Satya Doyle Byock, as we explore Jung’s Red Book story by story, weaving the personal and collective psychology of these times throughout.

No matter your background in Jung’s work or in astrology, we welcome your presence. Order your own copy to follow along with the reading: The Red Book reader’s edition, or the larger facsimile edition.

Carl Jung’s journey into the unconscious began in 1913, just months before the sudden beginning of WWI. The astrology of that time is, in several respects, much like the astrology of ours.

In the midst of this global pandemic, with the contraction back into our homes and out of the extroverted world, Jung’s encounter with his own soul provides a map for us towards the re-connection with our own.

In many respects, Jung anticipated this time and left us instructions.

All salon videos are posted on the resources page later on the day of the salons.

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6:00 PM18:00

The Gnostic Salome: A Discussion with Scholar Kayleen Asbo

The Gnostic Salome:

Woman in the Shadow

A discussion with Kayleen Asbo, Ph.D.

Thursday, September 24th

6-7:30pm PDT

Event will be hosted online.

This salon originally aired Thursday, September 24th. For a limited time you can register below to receive a recording of this previously live event.

The Gnostic Salome

The Gnostic Salome

The first in a series on the histories and fictions of SALOME, this evening salon with scholar Kayleen Asbo will explore the story of the only Salome named in the Bible, an early follower of Jesus.

In the Gospel of Mark, Salome is noted as “the third Mary,” present at both the crucifixion and one of the myrrh bearers who comes to the tomb: "And when the sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James, and Salome, had bought sweet spices, that they might come and anoint him" (Mark 16:1 KJV).

Who is this enigmatic woman hidden in the shadows of Christianity and often mixed-up with Herodias's dancing daughter?

In the Eastern Orthodox tradition, Salome is a saint who is both an aunt of Jesus as well as mother to two of his twelve disciples, John and James. She is a wise woman connected to midwifery.

Early Christian writings describe Salome as a priestess of heresy whose followers venerated both the teachings of Jesus and the wisdom teachings of the Ancient Greek traditions of Pythagoras, Plato, and Socrates.

In the Gnostic texts recovered in Egypt during the 20th century, however, Salome is revealed as a disciple of Jesus's inner circle who is featured by name in the Gospel of Thomas, the Gospel of the Egyptians and  the Pistis Sophia.  All of these texts connect her with the themes of integration, spiritual enlightenment, and wholeness.

In this salon, we will explore the tantalizing question of the woman who has been even more feared and marginalized than Mary Magdalene—a woman who was intimately connected with the Eleusinian Mysteries and embodiment, and whose teachings may shed light on many of the central issues of our time, such as the alchemical integration of opposites and the reclamation of the feminine.

Join Kayleen Asbo, Ph.D and Satya Doyle Byock, MA in conversation as they explore this Salome, a "woman of the shadows" and how this untold history of Christian Gnosticism relates to the pivotal figure captured in Jung’s Red Book.

About Kayleen Asbo, Ph.D.

Kayleen Asbo, Ph.D is a faculty member of the Pacifica Graduate Institute and the San Francisco Conservatory of Music, and teaches regularly for the Osher Life Long Learning Institutes at UC Berkeley, Sonoma State University and Dominican University. Kayleen wrote her dissertation on Passion and Paradox: The Myths of Mary Magdalene in Music, Art and Culture. In addition, she holds three master's degrees: one in music (piano performance), mythology, and psychology. Kayleen has been a guest presenter and lecturer on the intersection of history, mythology, psychology and the arts at Oxford University in England, the Assisi Institute of Depth Psychology Conference in Italy, the Houston Jung Institute, Chartres Cathedral in France, Grace Cathedral and the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley. A faculty member of the San Francisco Conservatory of Music for nineteen years, she is a pre-concert lecturer with the San Francisco Opera and the music historian in residence for the  Santa Rosa Symphony. The Creative Director and Resident Mythologist for Mythica, Kayleen leads workshops and retreats throughout the country and offers  pilgrimages to sacred sites in Europe every year. 


The Gnostic Salome - One Video

Scholarships: If finances would prevent you from joining us, please send an email with a short note. No questions asked. We would love for you to be able to join.

Online Attendance: A Zoom link for this salon will be emailed to all registrants within 24 hours of the event. Household members are welcome to join for the single login. This event previously aired on 9/24/2020.

Recordings: Recordings of events will be password protected and emailed to all registrants within 24hours of event. Recording access will expire one month following the salon.

View Event →
10:00 AM10:00

The Astrology of Jung's Red Book - Episode 23

Episode 23 -

Jung's Red Book: The Astrology & Story for Our Times

Free Sunday Salons - Each Week Online

September 20th, 10-11am PDT

1pm EDT

With Astrologer Carol Ferris & Salome Institute Director, Satya Doyle Byock

Click here to join us through Zoom

Password: 791801 // Meeting ID: 860 600 239

For more detailed instructions for Salons via Zoom — click here

Chapter for this week: “The Three Prophecies”

“The Three Prophecies” in Jung’s Red Book


We welcome your small donations to keep this programming happening and free for all who want to join. Thank you!

It is more important now than ever for us to stay connected to Soul, symbolism, and the unconscious right now, lest we all go mad with the ever changing chaos above ground.

Each Sunday, please join Astrologer Carol Ferris and the Director of The Salome Institute, Satya Doyle Byock, as we explore Jung’s Red Book story by story, weaving the personal and collective psychology of these times throughout.

No matter your background in Jung’s work or in astrology, we welcome your presence. Order your own copy to follow along with the reading: The Red Book reader’s edition, or the larger facsimile edition.

Carl Jung’s journey into the unconscious began in 1913, just months before the sudden beginning of WWI. The astrology of that time is, in several respects, much like the astrology of ours.

In the midst of this global pandemic, with the contraction back into our homes and out of the extroverted world, Jung’s encounter with his own soul provides a map for us towards the re-connection with our own.

In many respects, Jung anticipated this time and left us instructions.

All salon videos are posted on the resources page later on the day of the salons.

View Event →
10:00 AM10:00

The Exploration of Myth: Drumming and Storytelling with Kwame Scruggs

The Exploration of African Myth:

Drumming and Storytelling with Dr. Kwame Scruggs

PART 3 of a Three Salon Series

Saturdays, September 5, 12 & 19

10-11:30am PDT /

1-2:30pm EDT

Salons will take place online via Zoom — registration link emailed in advance to participants.

Painting by Kwame Scruggs

Painting by Kwame Scruggs

When Kwame Scruggs first encountered Joseph Campbell’s work and the line, “Follow your bliss and doors will open where there were no doors,” he asked himself: “What is my bliss?” What Kwame heard, loud and clear, was: “play my drum and tell mythological stories.”

And follow his bliss, he did.

Kwame Scruggs now has a Ph.D. in mythology, is on the board of the Joseph Campbell Foundation, and has mentored African-American youth in Akron, OH for the last two decades with his drums and his storytelling. You can see some of the power of this method in the documentary on his program, Alchemy Inc., in the feature-length documentary, “Finding the Gold Within”, available now to stream online on various platforms.

In this salon series, Kwame will lead us through a similar journey that he uses with his students of all ages.

Over the course of three salons, we will become immersed in Kwame’s mythic storytelling and drumming as we work through a single African myth in three parts. As he tells us the myth, Kwame will pause in the storytelling and seek responses and dialogue from the audience. This method keeps alive the transformative power of myth.

We will navigate full audience participation online, inviting both personal written responses and those shared with the group.

Registration for this salon guarantees presence for all three live salons and video recordings, as well as opportunity to ask questions during Q&A.

We can’t wait for this unique opportunity to join with Kwame’s art and scholarship in this way. Please join us!


A few notes about these Salons:

Scholarships/Discounts: If you could use a scholarship or discount in order to participate, please send an email with a short note. We won’t ask questions and would love for you to be able to join.

Online Attendance: Zoom link for salons will be emailed to all registrants approx. 24hours in advance of event. Household members are welcome to join on a single registration.

Recordings: Recordings of events will be password protected and emailed to all registrants.

Kwame Scruggs Ph.D.

Kwame Scruggs Ph.D.

About Kwame Scruggs

Kwame holds a Ph.D. in Mythology and is the founder of Alchemy Inc., an organization using mythological stories to transform the lives of adolescents and the backdrop for the feature-length documentary, “Finding the Gold Within.” In addition to numerous teaching positions, Kwame has been a featured speaker at the C. G. Jung Foundation for Analytical Psychology of New York City, and is a board member of The Joseph Campbell Foundation.

G. Kwame Scruggs Ph.D. has over 20 years of experience using myth in the development of urban male youth and adults. He holds a Ph.D. and MA in Mythological Studies with an emphasis in Depth Psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute and a MS degree in Technical Education with an emphasis in Guidance and Counseling from the University of Akron. In 1993, after being formally initiated into the Akan System of Life Cycle Development (African-based rites of passage), Kwame became a facilitator of this process.

Kwame is the founder and director of Alchemy, a non-profit organization in Akron, Ohio established in 2003. Alchemy uses mythological stories to engage urban adolescent youth. In 2012, Alchemy was one of 12 programs to receive the National Arts and Humanities Youth Program Award by the President’s Committee on the Arts and the Humanities—the nation’s highest honor for after-school and out-of-school programs. Alchemy was also the backdrop for feature-length documentary, “Finding the Gold Within.” Kwame is a board member for The Joseph Campbell Foundation.

View Event →
10:00 AM10:00

The Exploration of Myth: Drumming and Storytelling with Kwame Scruggs

The Exploration of African Myth:

Drumming and Storytelling with Dr. Kwame Scruggs

PART 2 of a Three Salon Series

Saturdays, September 5, 12 & 19

10-11:30am PDT /

1-2:30pm EDT

Salons will take place online via Zoom — registration link emailed in advance to participants.

Painting by Kwame Scruggs

Painting by Kwame Scruggs

When Kwame Scruggs first encountered Joseph Campbell’s work and the line, “Follow your bliss and doors will open where there were no doors,” he asked himself: “What is my bliss?” What Kwame heard, loud and clear, was: “play my drum and tell mythological stories.”

And follow his bliss, he did.

Kwame Scruggs now has a Ph.D. in mythology, is on the board of the Joseph Campbell Foundation, and has mentored African-American youth in Akron, OH for the last two decades with his drums and his storytelling. You can see some of the power of this method in the documentary on his program, Alchemy Inc., in the feature-length documentary, “Finding the Gold Within”, available now to stream online on various platforms.

In this salon series, Kwame will lead us through a similar journey that he uses with his students of all ages.

Over the course of three salons, we will become immersed in Kwame’s mythic storytelling and drumming as we work through a single African myth in three parts. As he tells us the myth, Kwame will pause in the storytelling and seek responses and dialogue from the audience. This method keeps alive the transformative power of myth.

We will navigate full audience participation online, inviting both personal written responses and those shared with the group.

Registration for this salon guarantees presence for all three live salons and video recordings, as well as opportunity to ask questions during Q&A.

We can’t wait for this unique opportunity to join with Kwame’s art and scholarship in this way. Please join us!


A few notes about these Salons:

Scholarships/Discounts: If you could use a scholarship or discount in order to participate, please send an email with a short note. We won’t ask questions and would love for you to be able to join.

Online Attendance: Zoom link for salons will be emailed to all registrants approx. 24hours in advance of event. Household members are welcome to join on a single registration.

Recordings: Recordings of events will be password protected and emailed to all registrants.

Kwame Scruggs Ph.D.

Kwame Scruggs Ph.D.

About Kwame Scruggs

Kwame holds a Ph.D. in Mythology and is the founder of Alchemy Inc., an organization using mythological stories to transform the lives of adolescents and the backdrop for the feature-length documentary, “Finding the Gold Within.” In addition to numerous teaching positions, Kwame has been a featured speaker at the C. G. Jung Foundation for Analytical Psychology of New York City, and is a board member of The Joseph Campbell Foundation.

G. Kwame Scruggs Ph.D. has over 20 years of experience using myth in the development of urban male youth and adults. He holds a Ph.D. and MA in Mythological Studies with an emphasis in Depth Psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute and a MS degree in Technical Education with an emphasis in Guidance and Counseling from the University of Akron. In 1993, after being formally initiated into the Akan System of Life Cycle Development (African-based rites of passage), Kwame became a facilitator of this process.

Kwame is the founder and director of Alchemy, a non-profit organization in Akron, Ohio established in 2003. Alchemy uses mythological stories to engage urban adolescent youth. In 2012, Alchemy was one of 12 programs to receive the National Arts and Humanities Youth Program Award by the President’s Committee on the Arts and the Humanities—the nation’s highest honor for after-school and out-of-school programs. Alchemy was also the backdrop for feature-length documentary, “Finding the Gold Within.” Kwame is a board member for The Joseph Campbell Foundation.

View Event →
10:00 AM10:00

The Exploration of Myth: Drumming and Storytelling with Kwame Scruggs

The Exploration of African Myth:

Drumming and Storytelling with Dr. Kwame Scruggs

A Three Salon Series

Saturdays, September 5, 12 & 19

10-11:30am PDT /

1-2:30pm EDT

Salons will take place online via Zoom — registration link emailed in advance to participants.

Painting by Kwame Scruggs

Painting by Kwame Scruggs

When Kwame Scruggs first encountered Joseph Campbell’s work and the line, “Follow your bliss and doors will open where there were no doors,” he asked himself: “What is my bliss?” What Kwame heard, loud and clear, was: “play my drum and tell mythological stories.”

And follow his bliss, he did.

Kwame Scruggs now has a Ph.D. in mythology, is on the board of the Joseph Campbell Foundation, and has mentored African-American youth in Akron, OH for the last two decades with his drums and his storytelling. You can see some of the power of this method in the documentary on his program, Alchemy Inc., in the feature-length documentary, “Finding the Gold Within”, available now to stream online on various platforms.

In this salon series, Kwame will lead us through a similar journey that he uses with his students of all ages.

Over the course of three salons, we will become immersed in Kwame’s mythic storytelling and drumming as we work through a single African myth in three parts. As he tells us the myth, Kwame will pause in the storytelling and seek responses and dialogue from the audience.

We will navigate full audience participation online, inviting both personal written responses and those shared with the group.

Registration for this salon guarantees presence for all three live salons and video recordings, as well as opportunity to ask questions during Q&A.

We can’t wait for this unique opportunity to join with Kwame’s art and scholarship in this way. Please join us!


A few notes about these Salons:

Scholarships/Discounts: If you could use a scholarship or discount in order to participate, please send an email with a short note. We won’t ask questions and would love for you to be able to join.

Online Attendance: Zoom link for salons will be emailed to all registrants approx. 24hours in advance of event. Household members are welcome to join on a single registration.

Recordings: Recordings of events will be password protected and emailed to all registrants.

Kwame Scruggs Ph.D.

Kwame Scruggs Ph.D.

About Kwame Scruggs

Kwame holds a Ph.D. in Mythology and is the founder of Alchemy Inc., an organization using mythological stories to transform the lives of adolescents and the backdrop for the feature-length documentary, “Finding the Gold Within.” In addition to numerous teaching positions, Kwame has been a featured speaker at the C. G. Jung Foundation for Analytical Psychology of New York City, and is a board member of The Joseph Campbell Foundation.

Kwame has over 20 years of experience using myth in the development of urban male youth and adults. He holds a Ph.D. and MA in Mythological Studies with an emphasis in Depth Psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute and a MS degree in Technical Education with an emphasis in Guidance and Counseling from the University of Akron. In 1993, after being formally initiated into the Akan System of Life Cycle Development (African-based rites of passage), Kwame became a facilitator of this process.

Kwame is the founder and director of Alchemy, a non-profit organization in Akron, Ohio established in 2003. Alchemy uses mythological stories to engage urban adolescent youth. In 2012, Alchemy was one of 12 programs to receive the National Arts and Humanities Youth Program Award by the President’s Committee on the Arts and the Humanities—the nation’s highest honor for after-school and out-of-school programs. Alchemy was also the backdrop for feature-length documentary, “Finding the Gold Within.” Kwame is a board member for The Joseph Campbell Foundation.

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10:00 AM10:00

The Astrology of Jung's Red Book - Episode 22

Episode 22 -

Jung's Red Book: The Astrology & Story for Our Times

Free Sunday Salons - Each Week Online

August 30th, 10-11am PDT

1pm EDT

With Astrologer Carol Ferris & Salome Institute Director, Satya Doyle Byock

Click here to join us through Zoom

Password: 791801 // Meeting ID: 860 600 239

For more detailed instructions for Salons via Zoom — click here

Chapter for this week: “Nox Quarta”

“Nox Tertia” in Jung’s Red Book

“Nox Tertia” in Jung’s Red Book


We welcome your small donations to keep this programming happening and free for all who want to join. Thank you!

It is more important now than ever for us to stay connected to Soul, symbolism, and the unconscious right now, lest we all go mad with the ever changing chaos above ground.

Each Sunday, please join Astrologer Carol Ferris and the Director of The Salome Institute, Satya Doyle Byock, as we explore Jung’s Red Book story by story, weaving the personal and collective psychology of these times throughout.

No matter your background in Jung’s work or in astrology, we welcome your presence. Order your own copy to follow along with the reading: The Red Book reader’s edition, or the larger facsimile edition.

Carl Jung’s journey into the unconscious began in 1913, just months before the sudden beginning of WWI. The astrology of that time is, in several respects, much like the astrology of ours.

In the midst of this global pandemic, with the contraction back into our homes and out of the extroverted world, Jung’s encounter with his own soul provides a map for us towards the re-connection with our own.

In many respects, Jung anticipated this time and left us instructions.

All salon videos are posted on the resources page later on the day of the salons.

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10:00 AM10:00

The Astrology of Jung's Red Book - Episode 21

Episode 21 -

Jung's Red Book: The Astrology & Story for Our Times

Free Sunday Salons - Each Week Online

August 23rd, 10-11am PDT

1pm EDT

With Astrologer Carol Ferris & Salome Institute Director, Satya Doyle Byock

Click here to join us through Zoom

Password: 791801 // Meeting ID: 860 600 239

For more detailed instructions for Salons via Zoom — click here

Chapter for this week: “Nox Tertia”

“Nox Secunda” in Jung’s Red Book

“Nox Secunda” in Jung’s Red Book


We welcome your small donations to keep this programming happening and free for all who want to join. Thank you!

It is more important now than ever for us to stay connected to Soul, symbolism, and the unconscious right now, lest we all go mad with the ever changing chaos above ground.

Each Sunday, please join Astrologer Carol Ferris and the Director of The Salome Institute, Satya Doyle Byock, as we explore Jung’s Red Book story by story, weaving the personal and collective psychology of these times throughout.

No matter your background in Jung’s work or in astrology, we welcome your presence. Order your own copy to follow along with the reading: The Red Book reader’s edition, or the larger facsimile edition.

Carl Jung’s journey into the unconscious began in 1913, just months before the sudden beginning of WWI. The astrology of that time is, in several respects, much like the astrology of ours.

In the midst of this global pandemic, with the contraction back into our homes and out of the extroverted world, Jung’s encounter with his own soul provides a map for us towards the re-connection with our own.

In many respects, Jung anticipated this time and left us instructions.

All salon videos are posted on the resources page later on the day of the salons.

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10:00 AM10:00

The Astrology of Jung's Red Book - Episode 20

Episode 20 -

Jung's Red Book: The Astrology & Story for Our Times

Free Sunday Salons - Each Week Online

August 16th, 10-11am PDT

1pm EDT / 6pm GMT

With Astrologer Carol Ferris & Salome Institute Director, Satya Doyle Byock

Click here to join us through Zoom

Password: 791801 // Meeting ID: 860 600 239

For more detailed instructions for Salons via Zoom — click here

Chapter for this week: “Nox Secunda”

“Nox Secunda” in Jung’s Red Book

“Nox Secunda” in Jung’s Red Book


We welcome your small donations to keep this programming happening and free for all who want to join. Thank you!

It is more important now than ever for us to stay connected to Soul, symbolism, and the unconscious right now, lest we all go mad with the ever changing chaos above ground.

Each Sunday, please join Astrologer Carol Ferris and the Director of The Salome Institute, Satya Doyle Byock, as we explore Jung’s Red Book story by story, weaving the personal and collective psychology of these times throughout.

No matter your background in Jung’s work or in astrology, we welcome your presence. Order your own copy to follow along with the reading: The Red Book reader’s edition, or the larger facsimile edition.

Carl Jung’s journey into the unconscious began in 1913, just months before the sudden beginning of WWI. The astrology of that time is, in several respects, much like the astrology of ours.

In the midst of this global pandemic, with the contraction back into our homes and out of the extroverted world, Jung’s encounter with his own soul provides a map for us towards the re-connection with our own.

In many respects, Jung anticipated this time and left us instructions.

All salon videos are posted on the resources page later on the day of the salons.

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The Beautiful One Has Come: A Discussion with Five Black Women of Depth Psychology
10:00 AM10:00

The Beautiful One Has Come: A Discussion with Five Black Women of Depth Psychology

The Beautiful One Has Come:

A Discussion with Five Black Women of Depth Psychology

Saturday, August 15th

10-11:30am PT

1-2:30pm EDT

Online event via Zoom - registration limited

In English, the Egyptian Queen, Nefertiti’s name means “The Beautiful One Has Come.” In this salon with five of the contributors to the book, Seeing in the Dark: Wisdom Works by Black Women in Depth Psychology, we’ll hear about the experiences of Black Women within the world of Jungian Psychology, and inquire into the goddesses and feminine figures who influenced each of their lives and work.

Dr. Sherrie Sims Allen, Dr. Marcy De Veaux, Dr. Kimberly Howell, Dr. Patricia Taylor, and Dr. Sharon D. Johnson all received their doctorates from Pacifica Graduate Institute in Depth Psychology.

While finding their experiences as Black Women scholars rare, and the published writings even rarer, they gathered their scholarship together in a single collection.

In this salon, each author will present some of her work, but through an organic and conversational style. They’ll explore questions about how they arrived at Depth Psychology, what’s most alive about their work now, and what they hope for the future of Depth Psychology.

What is Depth Psychology?

The field of Jungian Psychology goes by many names, including Analytical Psychology and Complex Psychology. “Depth Psychology” is often a shorthand for this, but includes the psychologies in the Freudian and Jungian traditions that acknowledge the existence of the unconscious.


Late Registration: If you are registering less than 30min prior to event, live attendance is not guaranteed. You will receive a recording.

Discounts: If you could use a scholarship or discount in order to participate, please send an email with a short note. We won’t ask questions and would love for you to be able to join.

Online Attendance: A Zoom link for this salon will be emailed to all registrants within 24 hours of the event. Please check your spam folder if you feel you haven’t received anything on the day of the event. Household members are welcome to join on a single registration.

Recordings: Recordings of events will be password protected and emailed to all registrants.

About The Presenters:

Marcella “Marcy” De Veaux, Ph.D.

Marcy De Veaux is a media expert and educator with decades of experience in entertainment public relations, diversity best practices, and coaching. She is Associate Director of Faculty Development and a tenured Professor for the Department of Journalism at California State University, Northridge. Dr. De Veaux also holds a Master’s degree in Human Resource Management from Lesley College, in Cambridge, MA. Her work appears in several publications Imaginative Inquiry: Innovative Approaches to Interdisciplinary Research and the recently published Teaching Daughters of the Dust as a Womanist Film and the Black Arts Aesthetic of Filmmaker Julie Dash (Peter Lang). She co-edited Pacifica Graduate Institute: An Alumni Tribute to 40 Years of Tending Soul in and of the World. Currently, Dr. De Veaux arranges workshops on unconscious bias, diversity, equity, inclusion, and cultural competencies for higher education, small to medium-sized businesses, non-profit organizations, and media companies.

Kimberly Howell, Ph.D.

Kimberly Howell is a body positive activist and diversity educator who uses mindfulness techniques with both individual and corporate clients. Her doctoral dissertation entitled, “Peek- A-Boo! I See You: Capturing the Story and Image of Invisible Beauty in Los Angeles” highlights the celebrity culture of Los Angeles and how place affects both psyche and soma. Dr. Howell has spoken internationally on topics such as feminist consumerism as well as engaging depth psychological practices in corporate learning environments.

Sharon D. Johnson, Ph.D.

Sharon D. Johnson is a screenwriter, dream educator, and scholar of television, film, and African American arts; literature; and culture. She has been a published critical and feature story writer for over 30 years, and a member of the Writers Guild of America, West since 1993. She served as Chair of the Writers Guild Committee of Black Writers from 1999 to 2003. Dr. Johnson has published and presented her precedent original research on Zora Neale Hurston and Langston Hughes, and on the ancient depth psychological practice of dream work, via numerous venues in the field. Her essay, “Conscious Daughters: Psychological Migration, Individuation, and the Declaration of Black Female Identity in Daughters of the Dust” is included in the recently published anthology, Teaching Daughters of the Dust as a Womanist Film and the Black Arts Aesthetic of Filmmaker Julie Dash (Peter Lang). She is a graduate of Barnard College and holds an MA in Media Studies from the New School. Dr. Johnson has taught screenwriting; Black popular culture; and African American literature at California State University Northridge, and her original senior seminar on race; gender; and screen adaptations at Emerson College Los Angeles.

Sherrie Sims Allen, Ph.D.

Sherrie Sims Allen focuses her work on exploring the cultural wounds of racism, sexism, feelings of invisibility, and women and rage, which she re-visions as a socially valuable expression in her dissertation, Transforming Rage: Revisioning the Myth of the Angry Black Woman. Dr. Sims Allen has made presentations at both the Society of Humanistic Psychology and the Jungian Society for Scholarly Studies conferences. Dr. Sims Allen is a practitioner of the Myers Briggs Topology Instrument (MBTI), which she and her husband, Dr. Melvin Allen, utilize in their nationally presented relationship seminars and workshops for couples and singles. Her approach affirms that when relationships work, families work; when families work, communities work, and when communities work, the world works. The Drs. Allen are co- authors of the forthcoming book, The Allen Method: Exploring Relationships Through the Lens of Myers Briggs.

Patricia Taylor, Ph.D.

Patricia Taylor is the Chairperson for Special Education Programs in the LaFetra College of Education at the University of LaVerne in Southern California. Dr. Taylor is also founder and Co-Chair of the university’s Center for Neurodiversity, Learning and Wellness. Her area of specialization is in assisting learners who learn in atypical ways find their ways of knowing and learning first by acknowledging their unique gifts and then by figuring out how to honor and share those gifts. Dr. Taylor’s studies and degree in Depth Psychology informs this process and has led to the unveiling of the original meaning of the idea of enough in western lexicon. This has also led to a deep appreciation of what she calls word stories and how words, as Michael Meade states, are merely condensed stories waiting to be told.

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10:00 AM10:00

The Astrology of Jung's Red Book - Episode 19

Episode 19 -

Jung's Red Book: The Astrology & Story for Our Times

Free Sunday Salons - Each Week Online

August 9th, 10-11am PDT

1pm EDT / 6pm GMT

With Astrologer Carol Ferris & Salome Institute Director, Satya Doyle Byock

Click here to join us through Zoom

Password: 791801 // Meeting ID: 860 600 239

For more detailed instructions for Salons via Zoom — click here

Chapter for this week: “Divine Folly”

Pages before “Divine Folly” in Jung’s Red Book

Pages before “Divine Folly” in Jung’s Red Book


We welcome your small donations to keep this programming happening and free for all who want to join. Thank you!

It is more important now than ever for us to stay connected to Soul, symbolism, and the unconscious right now, lest we all go mad with the ever changing chaos above ground.

Each Sunday, please join Astrologer Carol Ferris and the Director of The Salome Institute, Satya Doyle Byock, as we explore Jung’s Red Book story by story, weaving the personal and collective psychology of these times throughout.

No matter your background in Jung’s work or in astrology, we welcome your presence. Order your own copy to follow along with the reading: The Red Book reader’s edition, or the larger facsimile edition.

Carl Jung’s journey into the unconscious began in 1913, just months before the sudden beginning of WWI. The astrology of that time is, in several respects, much like the astrology of ours.

In the midst of this global pandemic, with the contraction back into our homes and out of the extroverted world, Jung’s encounter with his own soul provides a map for us towards the re-connection with our own.

In many respects, Jung anticipated this time and left us instructions.

All salon videos are posted on the resources page later on the day of the salons.

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9:00 AM09:00

Dreamwork with Dr. Fanny Brewster

Dreamwork with Dr. Fanny Brewster

Friday, August 7th

9am-11:30am PDT

12pm - 2:30 EDT

— this salon is sold out —

please stay tuned for more events with Dr. Brewster

Dr. Fanny Brewster

Dr. Fanny Brewster

If you’ve ever worked with Jungian Analyst Dr. Fanny Brewster before, you know this is an opportunity not to be missed.

This experiential morning workshop will allow participants to present their own dreams and work with Dr. Brewster in her masterful holding and guidance in Active Imagination.

This workshop is limited to a small number of participants. Please register early if you hope to attend. Not everyone will have an opportunity to work a dream with Dr. Brewster, but the group will learn a great deal from the shared exploration of each dream and Dr. Brewster’s guidance through dreamwork.

This salon will not be recorded.

About Dr. Fanny Brewster

Dr. Fanny Brewster is a Jungian analyst and author of poetry and nonfiction. Her book The Racial Complex: A Jungian Perspective on Culture and Race (2020) was recently published by Routledge, joining her books Archetypal Grief: Slavery’s Legacy of Intergenerational Child Loss (2018) & African Americans and Jungian Psychology: Leaving the Shadows (2017). Her poems from Journey: The Middle Passage have appeared in the Psychological Perspectives Journal (2016) in which she was Featured Poet. Dr. Brewster is a Professor at Pacifica Graduate Institute and a member of the Philadelphia Association of Jungian Analysts. She is a lecturer and workshop presenter on Dreamwork, Culture and Creative Writing.


— this salon is sold out — thank you —

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