New Moon in Capricorn with Carol Ferris
6:00 PM18:00

New Moon in Capricorn with Carol Ferris

New Moon Capricorn
Thursday, December 22

6-7:15 pm PST

All Salome events are hosted online.

A link for the live event will be sent a day in advance & a recording will be sent following.

This year closes and the new one begins with a Grand Cardinal Cross. In the early degrees of Capricorn, the New Moon opposes Cancer at the Midheaven (MC)—both Cardinal signs—and also squares Jupiter in spring’s cardinal sign of Aries, opposite the autumnal cardinal sign Libra ascending.

Theosophist Alice Bailey, in her book, Esoteric Astrology, discusses the three Grand Crosses: Mutable/Fixed/Cardinal.

“This is the Cross [of the Risen Christ] whereon: a.  … the spirit is crucified . . .. an exalted stage of consciousness; b. it is pre-eminently the Cross of Initiation and of ‘beginnings’; c. it is the Cross of the ‘widespread arms, the open heart and the higher mind’; d. the energies … blend with ‘the Light of the seven solar systems’ of which our solar system’ is one.” 


The Saturn/Uranus square—authority/rebel dance—is now in the rearview mirror. Mars continues its retrograde into 2023, delaying progress and creating frustration and dissent worldwide. Pluto in Capricorn continues to undermine systems. 

All in all, an important time to remember the light inside the dark. Bailey’s occult mantra, called The Great Invocation:

Let the Forces of Light bring illumination to mankind.

Let the Spirit of Peace be spread abroad.

May men of goodwill everywhere meet in a spirit of cooperation.

May forgiveness on the part of all men be the keynotes at this time.

Let power attend the efforts of the Great Ones.

So let it be, and help us to do our part. 

Note: If you have a copy of your own horoscope, it will be possible to trace these currents to your own experiences. For more information on reading your own natal chart, you can purchase the recording of How to Read Your Own Horoscope 101.

About Carol Ferris

Carol Ferris is a full-time consulting astrologer, teacher, and private tutor of astrology with four decades of experience. She completed her MA in Interdisciplinary Studies at Marylhurst University. The title of her thesis, The Sky's Body: Constellations and Medicine reflects her ongoing interest in nature-based medicine and governance thinking of the ancient Near East and Chinese philosophers and astrologers. Carol's work with the multivalent symbols of astrology is interwoven into work with dreams and active imagination. Over the years, Carol has seen these two frameworks —astrological mapping and Jungian imagery —as mutually beckoning guides to understand how all life, in its exquisite specificity, rises from a unified field.


Online Attendance: A link for this salon will be emailed to all registrants within 24 hours of the event. Household members are welcome to join for the single login.

Recordings: A video will be emailed to all registrants within 24 hours of the event. All New Moon Salon recordings expire after one month.

Scholarships & Discounts: If finances would prevent you from joining us, please send an email with a short note. No questions asked. We would love for you to be able to join.

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Trans Ways of Knowing with Cybele Brandow, Rae Davis, and tyler redskye
10:00 AM10:00

Trans Ways of Knowing with Cybele Brandow, Rae Davis, and tyler redskye

Trans Ways of Knowing

Socially Relevant Salon Series

with Cybele Brandow, Rae Davis, and tyler redskye

hosted by Satya Doyle Byock

Saturday, December 3, 2022

10 - 12pm PST | 1 - 3pm EST

All salons and seminars are hosted online. Recordings are provided to all registrants.

Community Subscribers are automatically registered for this salon.

The shuttling to and fro of arguments and affects represents the transcendent function of opposites. The confrontation of the two positions generates a tension charged with energy and creates a living, third thing—...a living birth that leads to a new level of being, a new situation.
— Jung, “The Transcendent Function,” (1916/1958)
The paradox . . . reflects a higher level of intellect and, by not forcibly representing the unknowable as known, gives a more faithful picture of the real state of affairs.
— Jung, CW 11, par. 417, 1954

The Salome Institute is deeply honored to host Cybele Brandow, Rae Davis, and tyler redskye—three trans academics, artists, and community members—in this special two-hour salon exploring the trans experience and its direct correlation to Jung’s work.

In a time when trans people find themselves under constant threat from legislative, political, physical, and emotional attack, and when the vast majority of people still do not personally know a trans person, we heartily encourage your presence and participation in this salon to engage collectively in a deepened understanding of the lived experience of trans individuals, and the remarkable ways in which trans people’s lived understanding of individuation and the union of the opposites illuminates Jung’s core ideas.

In this salon, Cybele Brandow, Rae Davis, and tyler redskye will share some of their experiences on the path to individuation as trans people, convey the ways in which imagination and dreamwork supported and confirmed their trans identities, and how Jung’s understanding of the Transcendent Function mirrors trans identity and the emergence of “the third” within the gender binary.

In particular, Cybele, former Director of the Maine Jung Center, may speak to the parallels between their lived experience of “third gender,” the Taoist search to move beyond the binary, and the transcendent "third thing" of Jung's psychology in which the opposites can unite. They’ll explore: how is the transcendent function of Jung’s work in direct conversation with the trans experience?

Rae, a lifelong visual artist, may convey some of his understanding of the beauty of cis men that cis men struggle to see, or how nature finally felt like a place of freedom and joy for him once he was able to locate himself in a story that had otherwise been denied him. He may share some of the dreams he had while transitioning that indicate the sense of freedom his psyche finally felt after decades of confusion.

tyler may speak to paradox and how it informs and undoes the concept of trans "identity." The use of imagination was an essential part of tyler's ability to dream their trans self into existence—to see possibility emerge from two opposites and, as Jung wrote, use the tension as a way to allow a third to emerge. They may reflect on the concept of man and woman as man-made concepts and the expanse that is gender, and that these are just two possibilities amidst infinite possibility. They may speak on the kind of unimaginable compassion and self-love that trans people hold for themselves—not just in recognizing themselves, but also loving themselves.

After the panel presentation and discussion, Satya will moderate a Q&A with the community.

Recording: If you are unable to join us live or would like to watch this on your own time, a recording will be sent to all registrants within 24 hours of the live event.

About the Presenters

Cybele Brandow is a third-gender writer, poet, and divinatory counselor of Magyar, Welsh, English, and German descent. They studied late antique Christian mysticism and pre-imperial Chinese religion and philosophy at Reed College, presenting a thesis on Trialogic Hermeneutics in the context of Tarot Divination events. Cybele served as Director of the Maine Jung Center for three years before leaving to pursue full-time publication of their debut novel of mid-grade nonsense literature. Their writing weaves mythological motifs, fairy tale, dream symbolism, and magical imagination to create whimsical yet familiar worlds where mycelial synchronicity abounds and wordspells lead readers deeper into their own playful awareness of sElf. Cybele lives atop a hill in a book-brimming Seussian bungalow in South Portland, Maine with their beloved partner and a well-worthy-of-worship tortoiseshell cat named Persephone ('Persy' for short).

Rae Davis, born 1970 in Cambridge, England, holds a BFA from the University of Michigan School of Art. His paintings and drawings have been exhibited across the United States, and are included in many private and public collections. Traywick Contemporary in Berkeley, CA represents his work. He has made Portland, Oregon home with his family for the last 16 years. Instagram @raedavisart

tyler redskye is a queer non-binary trans settler whose ancestors come from Sicily, the Maghreb, the Aegean islands, Malta, and Ireland. They were raised by the great eastern white pines and the Muhheakunnuk, The River that runs both ways. They make medicine, furniture, and timber frames in the Dawnland with their spouse and cattle dog. They attended Sarah Lawrence College for Semiotics and Gender theory and completed their Master's at Pratt for Environmental Design. They see their work in this world to decolonize and dismantle violent colonial systems by listening, remembering, and imagining new ways of being—to hold the truths and always say the things that need to be said.


Satya Doyle Byock is a psychotherapist in private practice in Portland, Oregon, the author of Quarterlife: The Search for Self in Early Adulthood (Random House, 2022), and the founding director of The Salome Institute. Her work has been featured in The New York Times and The Times of London, and her writing has been published in Literary Hub, Psychological Perspectives, The Utne Reader, Goop, Oregon Humanities Magazine, and elsewhere. Satya has lectured at Jung groups in the US and UK, and has been interviewed for her work on many podcasts. She is the co-host of Carl Jung’s Red Book Podcast and has twenty years of practice with The I Ching and dreamwork.


Online Attendance: a link for Zoom will be sent to all registrants via email in advance of this salon.

Recording: A recording will be made available to all registered participants following the live event.

Scholarships & Discounts: Please send us an email if you are unable to pay the full price. We don’t require an explanation, just an email.

Subscribers: If you are a subscriber to the Salome Community, you do not need to register for this salon. You will automatically receive an email with login information in advance, as well as the recording following the event.

To learn more about becoming a subscriber, click here.

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New Moon in Sagittarius with Carol Ferris
6:00 PM18:00

New Moon in Sagittarius with Carol Ferris

New Moon Scorpio
Thursday, November 17

6-7:15 pm PST

All Salome events are hosted online.

A link for the live event will be sent a day in advance & a recording will be sent following.

As the year closes, the Sun and Moon are joined by an embracing Mercury and Venus – again – but this time they meet up in the sign of Sagittarius, The Archer: He of the dead eye aim and the lofty philosophies. Our desire for the truth (finally, please!) following the elections will be hammered by the continuing retrograde Mars in Gemini opposing Venus and Mercury as they head deeper into Sagittarius. These polarized energies square Neptune in Pisces, and Neptune is joined once again by Jupiter (as was the case in April): a tsunami of emotion and information, bringing plenty of obfuscation, outright lies, beliefs, and delusional behaviors.

The Sun transiting in Sagittarius—higher purpose, loftier goals, aim at the possible, don’t be dissuaded by disappointments—reaches an exact opposition with retrograding Mars in Gemini on December 7-8. The tension between possibility and pragmatics is high here, and we’ll all have tough choices to make about who and what we believe.  At the same time, Mercury and Venus begin their journey into Capricorn: collaboration around mission with timetable and budgets will bring some of the more mutable arguments into clarity and action.

The Capricorn New Moon of December 23 anticipates a communion with the Venus/Mercury/Pluto trio in Capricorn, the emergence of order around priorities, and we end the year and begin the next with resolution and grim optimism!

Note: If you have a copy of your own horoscope, it will be possible to trace these currents to your own experiences. For more information on reading your own natal chart, you can purchase the recording of How to Read Your Own Horoscope 101.

About Carol Ferris

Carol Ferris is a full-time consulting astrologer, teacher, and private tutor of astrology with four decades of experience. She completed her MA in Interdisciplinary Studies at Marylhurst University. The title of her thesis, The Sky's Body: Constellations and Medicine reflects her ongoing interest in nature-based medicine and governance thinking of the ancient Near East and Chinese philosophers and astrologers. Carol's work with the multivalent symbols of astrology is interwoven into work with dreams and active imagination. Over the years, Carol has seen these two frameworks —astrological mapping and Jungian imagery —as mutually beckoning guides to understand how all life, in its exquisite specificity, rises from a unified field.


Online Attendance: A link for this salon will be emailed to all registrants within 24 hours of the event. Household members are welcome to join for the single login.

Recordings: A video will be emailed to all registrants within 24 hours of the event. All New Moon Salon recordings expire after one month.

Scholarships & Discounts: If finances would prevent you from joining us, please send an email with a short note. No questions asked. We would love for you to be able to join.

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Listening to Psyche with Satya Doyle Byock
9:00 AM09:00

Listening to Psyche with Satya Doyle Byock

Listening to Psyche

A Six Week Community Dream Group

with Satya Doyle Byock

Sundays | 9 - 10:30am PST / 12-1:30pm EST

November 6th- December 18th

(with a one-week break for American Thanksgiving)

Sessions will be hosted live online & same-day recordings will be provided

Certificate for Continued Education Credits available, issued by The Salome Institute

The dream is a little hidden door in the innermost and most secret recesses of the soul, opening into that cosmic night which was psyche long before there was any ego-consciousness, and which will remain psyche no matter how far our ego-consciousness extends.
— -C.G. Jung, CW 10, 1934

In this series, we’ll deepen our practice of listening to the living psyche through dreamwork. In each of our six sessions, Satya will host live dreamwork for one or two class members and later invite all participants to add insights through safe facilitation. Satya will also introduce some key aspects of working with dreams, and perhaps also engage in other ways of listening to psyche through synchronicity, symbols, and pattern witnessing.

We’ll begin by establishing a compassionate, permissive frame for writing down dreams and witnessing the symbol-making function of psyche. Weekly attention will be paid to creative practice around dreams, be it through writing poems or prose, painting, dancing, sculpture, or creating ritual.

Some Details about Live Dreamwork:

In each session, we’ll spend time with the dream of a group participant (or two). Those who wish to work a dream in the group setting will be invited to submit their name in advance of the live meetings. Trusting synchronicity—and past success with this process—dreamers’ names are selected at random and dreamers are notified in advance. The process invites the right dream for all of us at the right time.

With each dream, Satya supports the dreamer to settle into their body and “feel into” the dream for associations and amplification of images, inviting personal reflections and self-exploration. After engaging with the dreamer, Satya then invites the community to safely contribute insights through the “if this were my dream…” format: a safe, guided query into the way the dream impacts and resonates with others. Through witnessing and exploring each dream together, we learn more about the process of dreamwork, the symbols that arise from our own psyches, and ways of working with the dreams of others.

Note: It is not necessary to have been a part of past dream groups to register.

Course Details:

  • All sessions will take place online.

  • Recordings are shared with registrants within 24 hours of live meetings. There is no expectation that those registered attend the live gatherings.

  • Recordings will expire to protect the confidentiality of participants.

  • Each session will involve some lecture and live dreamworrk.

  • An online community space is available to all participants for between-session discussion and sharing.


  • November 6, 13, 20

  • One week break for American Thanksgiving

  • December 4, 11, 18

Cost: Community Subscriber $175 (30% discount)*/ Non-Subscriber $250

*To receive this discount, please first purchase the subscription package and you’ll receive a discount code in your email for additional registrations.

About Satya Doyle Byock, MA, LPC

Satya Doyle Byock is a psychotherapist in private practice in Portland, Oregon, the author of Quarterlife: The Search for Self in Early Adulthood (Random House, 2022), and the founding director of The Salome Institute. Her work has been featured in The New York Times and The Times of London, and her writing has been published in Literary Hub, Psychological Perspectives, The Utne Reader, Goop, Oregon Humanities Magazine, and elsewhere. Satya has lectured at Jung groups in the US and UK, and has been interviewed for her work on many podcasts. She is the co-host of Carl Jung’s Red Book Podcast and has twenty years of practice with The I Ching and dreamwork.


Scholarships & Discounts: It is important to us that this material be accessible. If finances would prevent you from joining us, please send an email with a short note. We would love for you to be able to join.

CEU: Participants can earn 9 CEs — Continued Education Credit hours — for this seminar. Please review this page on Continued Education Credits.

Recordings: Same-day recordings will be provided. Recordings will expire to protect confidentiality.

Subscribers: To receive a 30% subscriber discount, please first purchase the subscription package and you’ll receive a discount code in your email for additional registrations.

To learn more about becoming a subscriber first, click here.

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New Moon in Scorpio with Carol Ferris
10:00 AM10:00

New Moon in Scorpio with Carol Ferris

New Moon Scorpio

now at:

Sunday, October 30

10-11:15 am PDT / 1-2:15pm EDT

All Salome events are hosted online.

A link for the live event will be sent a day in advance & a recording will be sent following.

EVENT RESCHEDULED to Sunday, October 30th at 10am PDT

Our sincere apologies. Carol’s dear puppy, Charlie, was suddenly ill and is spending the night in the vet. While it looks like he’ll be okay (phew!!), he won’t be home until late shortly before our regular Thursday evening gathering. As a result, we’ve decided it’s best to reschedule.

Note: If you already purchased this single salon and no longer want to attend or receive the recording of this event, please send us a note and we’ll be happy to refund your purchase.

Event Description:

While Libra can be characterized as open-handed and fair, Scorpio is the time of year when judgment is meted out after deliberation. With Scorpio season comes darker and longer nights, decay and death, and deep interiority.  This is where the thread is cut, and certainly, in older interpretations of the Scorpion, the claws were the clipping of Fate itself, only moderated in evolving cultures to become the pans in the scales of justice.

This month, the Sun and Moon are joined at the initiation point of the lunation cycle by Venus entering Scorpio, so the hand of the Venusian (veins/venous; a network of connections) continues to lay her hands on the proceedings of these days and weeks. Venus in Scorpio brings passion and intensity rather than the just measure to the deliberations.  This trio of Sun, Moon, and Venus makes their way in the succeeding two weeks of early November into an opposition with Uranus in Taurus tilting towards the T-square to Saturn in Aquarius.  A passion for judgment leans into the struggle for change: will we change? Can we change? Are we too worn out?  Is it easier to just give up and let Saturn, the rules, and business-as-usual prevail?

As the Sun and the feminine struggle with judgment and commitment, Mars in Gemini slows to retrograde Halloween night, beginning a weeks-long square to Neptune in Pisces—arguments about beliefs and dreams. But a repeating trine to Saturn in Aquarius suggests that perhaps justice WILL be done.  The American election scheduled for November 8 will be held under these auspices, bringing to mind the retrograde election of George Bush by the Supreme Court. 

Note: If you have a copy of your own horoscope, it will be possible to trace these currents to your own experiences. For more information on reading your own natal chart, you can purchase the recording of How to Read Your Own Horoscope 101.

About Carol Ferris

Carol Ferris is a full-time consulting astrologer, teacher, and private astrology tutor with four decades of experience. She completed her MA in Interdisciplinary Studies at Marylhurst University. The title of her thesis, The Sky's Body: Constellations and Medicine reflects her ongoing interest in nature-based medicine and governance thinking of the ancient Near East and Chinese philosophers and astrologers. Carol's work with the multivalent symbols of astrology is interwoven into work with dreams and active imagination. Over the years, Carol has seen these two frameworks —astrological mapping and Jungian imagery —as mutually beckoning guides to understand how all life, in its exquisite specificity, rises from a unified field.


Online Attendance: A link for this salon will be emailed to all registrants within 24 hours of the event. Household members are welcome to join for the single login.

Recordings: A video will be emailed to all registrants within 24 hours of the event. All New Moon Salon recordings expire after one month.

Scholarships & Discounts: If finances would prevent you from joining us, please send an email with a short note. No questions asked. We would love for you to be able to join.

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On Democracy & Voting with Satya Doyle Byock
9:00 AM09:00

On Democracy & Voting with Satya Doyle Byock

On Democracy & Voting

Socially Relevant Salon Series

with Satya Doyle Byock

Sunday, October 16, 2022

9 - 10:30am PDT | 12 - 1:30pm EDT

All salons and seminars are hosted online. Recordings are provided to all registrants.

Community Subscribers are registered automatically for this salon as part of their subscription.

Jung always followed contemporary events, but his eye was that of a trained depth psychologist, and he was more interested in looking for what was going on below the surface of everyday political life than in its superficial aspects.
— Marie-Louise von Franz, 1974

Join Mimi K. Stokes, Nazli Rahmanian, and Satya Doyle Byock, in advance of the midterm elections in the US, as they explore together the relationship between depth psychology and democracy in Iran and in America.

How does our unconscious influence who we vote for? How is a determination to understand the Other critical for a healthy democracy? How is a well-functioning psyche a mirror for a well-functioning democracy (and vice versa).

This community space is the second installment in our new Socially Relevant Salon Series. After some presentation on the core ideas, we’ll invite Q&A and dialogue.

Suggested reading: Mimi K. Stokes’ piece on the marriage between psychology and democracy; Nazli Rahmanian’s reflections on the protests in Iran; and Erich Neumann’s book, Depth Psychology and a New Ethic.

All Salome community subscribers are automatically registered and will receive login information + the recording.

About Mimi K Stokes, MA

Mimi K Stokes lives into her name, ‘mimicking’ what life does, weaving diverse things together. Mimi combines theatre, eco-philosophy, Jungian psychology, astrology, and Foresight, in educational, therapeutic, and creative/artistic ways. She is a certified practitioner of Playback Theatre, an award-winning playwright, and a published author of fiction and poetry. Mimi has a Master’s degree in education; professional training in Foresight; is self-taught in astrology, and has studied Ecopsychology at Pacifica Graduate Institute. She is currently in the Assisi Institute Archetypal Pattern Analyst program. Among her many current creative projects are two fairy tale/ imaginative works about democracy.

About Satya Doyle Byock, MA, LPC

Satya Doyle Byock is a psychotherapist in private practice in Portland, Oregon, the author of Quarterlife: The Search for Self in Early Adulthood (Random House, 2022), and the founding director of The Salome Institute. Her work has been featured in The New York Times and The Times of London, and her writing has been published in Literary Hub, Psychological Perspectives, The Utne Reader, Goop, Oregon Humanities Magazine, and elsewhere. Satya has lectured at Jung groups in the US and UK, and has been interviewed for her work on many podcasts. She is the co-host of Carl Jung’s Red Book Podcast and has twenty years of practice with The I Ching and dreamwork.


Online Attendance: a link for Zoom will be sent to all registrants via email in advance of this salon.

Recording: A recording will be made available to all registered participants following the live event.

Scholarships & Discounts: Please send us an email if you are unable to pay the full price. We don’t require explanation, just an email.

Subscribers: If you are a subscriber to the Salome Community, you do not need to register for this salon. You will automatically receive an email with login information in advance, as well as the recording following the event.

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The Timeless Search for Stability & Meaning with Satya Doyle Byock
9:00 AM09:00

The Timeless Search for Stability & Meaning with Satya Doyle Byock

The Timeless Search for Stability & Meaning

A Guided Exploration into Jung’s concept of Individuation

Fridays | 9-10:30am PDT / 12-1:30pm EDT

September 30th - November 18th

An Eight-Week Seminar with Satya Doyle Byock

Sessions will be hosted live online & same-day recordings will be provided

Certificate for Continued Education Credits available, issued by The Salome Institute

In this 8-week seminar, we’ll explore the journey of individuation in Jung’s psychology, and in our own lives.

Join psychotherapist and author Satya Doyle Byock in exploring individuation through the relationship between the ego & the Self, the masculine & the feminine, and—in Satya’s words—stability & meaning.

Through a combination of lecture, discussion, storytelling, fairy tales, and personal exercises, Satya will introduce more of the Jungian ideas and research that went into her own re-working of the classical themes of self-development in her recently published book Quarterlife: The Search for Self in Early Adulthood. We’ll all have a chance to deeply explore our own journeys—no matter our age!—and seek a greater understanding of where we’ve been and where we’re going.

People of all ages are encouraged to register.

In Quarterlife, Satya also identifies four pillars of growth that everyone must tackle in order to experience self-knowledge and a sense of inner alignment with the external world: Separate, Listen, Build, and Integrate. Based on the Hero’s Journey and the ego-Self axis of Jungian psychology, these various thresholds hold a great deal of guidance for surviving life’s trials and transitions, as well as understanding grace and synchronicity. We’ll also learn about this framework and how to apply it to our own lives, seeking to understand our pasts as well as the callings for what has yet to come.

It is not at all necessary to have read Quarterlife in order to participate in this seminar, and those who have read the book will be introduced to a great deal more material as well as new exercises.

Course Details:

  • All sessions will take place online.

  • Recordings are shared with registrants within 24 hours of live meetings. There is no expectation that those registered attend the live gatherings.

  • Each session will involve a lecture/presentation, exercises, and Q&A.

  • An online community space is available to all participants for between-session discussion and sharing.

  • All ages are encouraged to register.

Cost: Community Subscriber $245 (30% discount)*/ Non-Subscriber $350

*To receive this discount, please first purchase the subscription package and you’ll receive a discount code in your email for additional registrations.

About Satya Doyle Byock, MA, LPC

Satya Doyle Byock is a psychotherapist in private practice in Portland, Oregon, the author of Quarterlife: The Search for Self in Early Adulthood (Random House, 2022), and the founding director of The Salome Institute. Her work has been featured in The New York Times and The Times of London, and her writing has been published in Literary Hub, Psychological Perspectives, The Utne Reader, Goop, Oregon Humanities Magazine, and . Satya has lectured at Jung groups in the US and UK, and has been interviewed for her work on many podcasts. She is the co-host of Carl Jung’s Red Book Podcast and has twenty years of practice with The I Ching and dreamwork.


Scholarships & Discounts: It is important to us that this material be accessible. If finances would prevent you from joining us, please send an email with a short note. We would love for you to be able to join.

CEU: Participants can earn 12 CEs — Continued Education Credit hours — for this seminar. Please review this page on Continued Education Credits.

Recordings: Same-day recordings will be provided. Recordings will expire to protect confidentiality.

Subscribers: To receive a 30% subscriber discount, please first purchase the subscription package and you’ll receive a discount code in your email for additional registrations.

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New Moon in Libra with Carol Ferris
6:00 PM18:00

New Moon in Libra with Carol Ferris

New Moon in Libra
Thursday, September 22

6-7:15 pm PDT

All Salome events are hosted online.

A link for the live event will be sent a day in advance & a recording will be sent following.

At this point in the year, as the Sun and Moon join the Scales of Libra that hang in these skies, the nights and days balance equally—in fact, we’ll be gathering at the same moment of the Equinox!

This zodiac sign of Libra is often popularly mischaracterized as a psychological realm of people-pleasing or quid pro quo. But the capacity to calibrate one’s own nature with another and to find the just measure goes beyond the personal to the social as well. What is “right” strength? How do we find harmony and peace in a world of disequilibrium?

The lights are joined closely by Mercury and Venus traveling together in the late degrees of Virgo. In this place, Hermes (Mercury) brings his bright perspective together with Venus’ ardor to analyze and support the measurement of justice. In early October, Venus begins to fly into the Libra Sun, which together form a trine to Mars in Gemini and Saturn in Aquarius: a Grand Air Trine to celebrate society, communication, and justice. With the Supreme Court opening day on October 3, perhaps the idea of the “just measure” will reinstate itself on the national as well as the personal level.

Note: If you have a copy of your own horoscope, it will be possible to trace these currents to your own experiences. For more information on reading your own natal chart, you can purchase the recording of How to Read Your Own Horoscope 101.

About Carol Ferris

Carol Ferris is a full-time consulting astrologer, teacher, and private tutor of astrology with four decades of experience. She completed her MA in Interdisciplinary Studies at Marylhurst University. The title of her thesis, The Sky's Body: Constellations and Medicine reflects her ongoing interest in nature-based medicine and governance thinking of the ancient Near East and Chinese philosophers and astrologers. Carol's work with the multivalent symbols of astrology is interwoven into work with dreams and active imagination. Over the years, Carol has seen these two frameworks —astrological mapping and Jungian imagery —as mutually beckoning guides to understand how all life, in its exquisite specificity, rises from a unified field.


Online Attendance: A link for this salon will be emailed to all registrants within 24 hours of the event. Household members are welcome to join for the single login.

Recordings: A video will be emailed to all registrants within 24 hours of the event. All New Moon Salon recordings expire after one month.

Scholarships & Discounts: If finances would prevent you from joining us, please send an email with a short note. No questions asked. We would love for you to be able to join.

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On Reproductive Rights with Satya Doyle Byock
9:00 AM09:00

On Reproductive Rights with Satya Doyle Byock

On Reproductive Rights

Socially Relevant Salon Series

with Satya Doyle Byock

Sunday, September 18, 2022

9 - 10:30am PDT | 12 - 1:30pm EDT

All seminars are hosted online. Recordings are provided to all registrants.

Community Subscribers are registered automatically and the salon is free.

An orange radial composed of triangles with the title of the salon "reproductive rights" on the center and the date september 18, 2022
Jung always followed contemporary events, but his eye was that of a trained depth psychologist, and he was more interested in looking for what was going on below the surface of everyday political life than in its superficial aspects.
— Marie-Louise von Franz, 1974

In this inaugural gathering of our new Socially Relevant Salon Series, Salome Institute Director, Satya Doyle Byock, will explore the issue of abortion and reproductive rights from a depth perspective. We’ll weed through various approaches to exploring this topic, including some of how it has been discussed recently in Jungian circles. Moving beyond the political or healthcare questions, we’ll inquire into the archetypal, symbolic, and unconscious issues at play regarding abortion, personal choice, and reproductive rights. What underlies the anti-abortion movement? What are some ways in which depth psychology can help us understand the modern American resurgence in anti-choice sentiment, even as many other countries are adopting more expansive reproductive rights?

Some of the specific questions that we’ll be exploring:

  • How is the hatred of the feminine in culture and individual psychology woven into the anti-abortion / “pro-life” movement?

  • How did the end of the Cold War shift the need for a projected enemy back inside the US against women and people of color?

  • How does the discomfort with death in culture influence the inability to accept that miscarriage and abortion have always been a part of fertility and pregnancy?

  • How can abortion—like giving birth—be an initiatory experience for many pregnant people?

  • How is the archetypal obsession with Mother and Motherhood fueling the narrow understanding of women’s life choices?

  • How does the religious story elevating “good men” force the reality of rape and incest into the shadow?

  • How are reproductive rights core to individuation?

  • How could a sacred honoring of abortion and miscarriage support healing rather than the experience being relegated to the shadow of isolation, guilt, and shame?

After readings and presentations, Satya will hold space for a Q&A and discussion with the community.

Recording: If you are unable to join us live or would like to watch this on your own time, a recording will be sent to all registrants within 24 hours of the live event.

About Satya Doyle Byock, MA, LPC

Satya Doyle Byock is a psychotherapist in private practice in Portland, Oregon, the author of Quarterlife: The Search for Self in Early Adulthood (Random House, 2022), and the founding director of The Salome Institute. Her work has been featured in The New York Times and The Times of London, and her writing has been published in Literary Hub, Psychological Perspectives, The Utne Reader, Goop, Oregon Humanities Magazine, and elsewhere. Satya has lectured at Jung groups in the US and UK, and has been interviewed for her work on many podcasts. She is the co-host of Carl Jung’s Red Book Podcast and has twenty years of practice with The I Ching and dreamwork.


Online Attendance: a link for Zoom will be sent to all registrants via email in advance of this salon.

Recording: A recording will be made available to all registered participants following the live event.

Scholarships & Discounts: Please send us an email if you are unable to pay the full price. We don’t require explanation, just an email.

Subscribers: If you are a subscriber to the Salome Community, you do not need to register for this salon. You will automatically receive an email with login information in advance, as well as the recording following the event.

All subscribers receive free and automatic registration to the socially relevant salons.

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New Moon in Virgo with Carol Ferris
6:00 PM18:00

New Moon in Virgo with Carol Ferris

New Moon in Virgo
Thursday, August 27

6-7:15 pm PDT

All Salome events are hosted online.

A link for the live event will be sent a day in advance & a recording will be sent following.

In Virgo season, the days become noticeably shorter. Still sunny and warm, the days remain longer than the nights, but Nature has an eye on the approaching darkness, the need for storage, and preparations for autumn and winter.

The constellation Virgo, the winged woman, stands in the sky as a reminder that nature’s rhythms require human attention for human purposes. It includes the star Vindemiatrix (Epsilon Virginis) as the grapes on the maiden’s shoulder, as well as the bright star Spica, a sheaf of wheat held in the woman’s hand.

Virgo is the only "female" constellation in the zodiac and one of only three female constellations in the entire Western sky (the other two being the queen Cassiopeia and her daughter, Andromeda). Virgo is an image of earth’s fecundity and productivity, but Virgo’s human form also reminds us: if it’s time to reap, get to it!

This attention to pattern and calendar is emphasized not only by the Sun and Moon entering Virgo together but by the planet Venus joining the asteroid, Ceres, in Leo, highlighting the yin task of sorting. Ceres—the root of our word “cereal”—is the mistress of grain. This emphasis on harvest rises strongly as Ukraine, the world’s breadbasket, struggles to free itself from the Russian aggressor, and as women too struggle with repressive/regressive cultures worldwide.

On September 5, Venus enters Virgo, starts an argument with Mars in Gemini (that old story), and begins collaborating with Uranus in Taurus. A plan for revolution may emerge after all the dithering. Finally, this lunation period ends with, yes, a retrograding Mercury.

Note: If you have a copy of your own horoscope, it will be possible to trace these currents to your own experiences. For more information on reading your own natal chart, you can purchase the recording of How to Read Your Own Horoscope 101.

About Carol Ferris

Carol Ferris is a full-time consulting astrologer, teacher, and private tutor of astrology with four decades of experience. She completed her MA in Interdisciplinary Studies at Marylhurst University. The title of her thesis, The Sky's Body: Constellations and Medicine reflects her ongoing interest in nature-based medicine and governance thinking of the ancient Near East and Chinese philosophers and astrologers. Carol's work with the multivalent symbols of astrology is interwoven into work with dreams and active imagination. Over the years, Carol has seen these two frameworks —astrological mapping and Jungian imagery —as mutually beckoning guides to understand how all life, in its exquisite specificity, rises from a unified field.


Online Attendance: A link for this salon will be emailed to all registrants within 24 hours of the event. Household members are welcome to join for the single login.

Recordings: A video will be emailed to all registrants within 24 hours of the event. All New Moon Salon recordings expire after one month.

Scholarships & Discounts: If finances would prevent you from joining us, please send an email with a short note. No questions asked. We would love for you to be able to join.

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New Moon in Leo with Carol Ferris
6:00 PM18:00

New Moon in Leo with Carol Ferris

New Moon in Leo
Thursday, July 28

6-7:15 pm PDT

All Salome events are hosted online.

A link for the live event will be sent a day in advance & a recording will be sent following.

The lunation in the sign of Leo the Lion begins with a Grand Fixed Cross:

The fixed signs of the zodiac are points in the year’s round when the ignition of the preceding cardinal signs manifest materially: spirit comes down into form and an idea becomes a reality. But around this new moon in Leo, four different materially oriented energies will be polarized and squared to each other setting off a cosmic argument about which direction to move, what will dominate, and who will win. Will Mercury in Leo shout down the boss, Saturn? Will Mars in Taurus get dug in and refuse to change?

The meetup of Mars and Uranus in Taurus will clarify the direction of the revolution, getting ready for one more argument with Saturn later in the year, asking: will the status quo prevail, or will the change agents be able to push their agenda through? 

In your chart, where does this inner conversation land for you, and how will you integrate the year’s painful progress?

After the first week in August, Mercury steps into Virgo and clear-minded pattern-making will begin to prevail. This is one of the cross quarters of the year, and the halfway point between the Summer Solstice and the Autumn Equinox.

In mid-August, the Sun’s heat will touch off the Grand Cross again, so it will be a balancing act between the loudest voice and the biggest stick. The mediating influence of good instincts with consciousness will again be brought forward before the next New Moon.

Note: If you have a copy of your own horoscope, it will be possible to trace these currents to your own experiences. For more information on reading your own natal chart, you can purchase the recording of How to Read Your Own Horoscope 101.

About Carol Ferris

Carol Ferris is a full-time consulting astrologer, teacher, and private tutor of astrology with four decades of experience. She completed her MA in Interdisciplinary Studies at Marylhurst University. The title of her thesis, The Sky's Body: Constellations and Medicine reflects her ongoing interest in nature-based medicine and governance thinking of the ancient Near East and Chinese philosophers and astrologers. Carol's work with the multivalent symbols of astrology is interwoven into work with dreams and active imagination. Over the years, Carol has seen these two frameworks —astrological mapping and Jungian imagery —as mutually beckoning guides to understand how all life, in its exquisite specificity, rises from a unified field.


Online Attendance: A link for this salon will be emailed to all registrants within 24 hours of the event. Household members are welcome to join for the single login.

Recordings: A video will be emailed to all registrants within 24 hours of the event. All New Moon Salon recordings expire after one month.

Scholarships & Discounts: If finances would prevent you from joining us, please send an email with a short note. No questions asked. We would love for you to be able to join.

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"Quarterlife: The Search for Self in Early Adulthood" Book Reading
10:00 AM10:00

"Quarterlife: The Search for Self in Early Adulthood" Book Reading

“Quarterlife: The Search for Self In Early Adulthood”

Book Reading

with Satya Doyle Byock

Sunday, July 17th

10 am PDT | 1pm EDT | 5pm GMT

This free event will be hosted online. A same-day recording will be emailed to registrants.

In this free 90min salon, Satya will read from her forthcoming book Quarterlife: The Search for Self in Early Adulthood (Random House, July 26th) and share the framework she’s created for understanding the search for wholeness in the first half of adulthood.

Weaving together the wisdom of Jungian psychology, literature, trauma-informed care, and social justice advocacy, Quarterlife fills a long-standing hole in soulful resources available to people in this stage of life. Born from Satya’s own need to understand herself and her search for meaning in her early 20s, this book represents fifteen years of research, inquiry, and clinical experience.

Quarterlife asserts that all people are fundamentally seeking two things in life, stability and meaning, and that Quarterlifers tend to fall on one side of that spectrum in their initial drive as either “Stability Types” or “Meaning Types.” Both types are ultimately seeking wholeness and need to learn what the other half knows.

Satya is excited to finally be able to share this book with the Salome community.

After her reading, there will be time for Q&A and some discussion.

This free event will be hosted online. A same-day recording will be shared. Registration is required.

Pre-orders help to support the success of the book! Thank you for your orders.

Available anywhere you buy your books, as well as in your public library. The audio book will also release on July 26th and is read by the author.

See what others are saying about Quarterlife: The Search for Self in Early Adulthood

I’m obsessed with this book. If you’re a younger Millennial, or a Gen Z-er, and trying to figure out why do I feel this way, why can’t I be satisfied, why do I always feel like I’m behind or rudderless? — this is the book for you.
— Anne Helen Petersen, author of "Can’t Even: How Millennials Became the Burnout Generation"
Absent the structured rites of passage to emerge from childhood into adulthood, how is a young person supposed to grow up today? Quarterlife is a valuable guide to the perplexed in those seas. Filled with illustrative examples, Byock provides tips, clues, and guidance for those who otherwise feel alone.
— James Hollis, Ph.D., Jungian Analyst and author of "Finding Meaning in the Second Half of Life"
I loved this book more than I can say! Quarterlife is an insightful, revealing look at the messy and uncharted paths to wholeness, and a powerful tool for anyone navigating early adulthood. This is the book I wish I’d had and one that I will gift again and again. Byock has written both a groundbreaking guide and an intimate invitation to understanding that is destined to be an instant classic.
— Tembi Locke, New York Times bestselling author of "From Scratch"
For decades now, there’s been a crisis — psychological, existential — among America’s young adults, one that has been hiding in plain sight. I know of no one better to address it than Satya Doyle Byock, who has made attending to this age group her life’s work. Quarterlife is compassionate, specific, forceful, lucid, and very wise. It is the book a lot of people have been waiting for, whether they know it or not.
— William Deresiewicz, New York Times bestselling author of "Excellent Sheep: The Miseducation of the American Elite"
If you’re a young adult looking for a way through, or if you’re seeking to understand the struggles of young adults, you must read this timely and illuminating book.
— Jill Filipovic, author of "OK Boomer, Let’s Talk: How My Generation Got Left Behind"

About Satya Doyle Byock, MA, LPC

Satya Doyle Byock is the founder and director of The Salome Institute. She is a psychotherapist in private practice and the author of Quarterlife: The Search for Self in Early Adulthood, forthcoming from Random House on July 26th.

Satya’s writing has been published in The Utne Reader, goop, Oregon Humanities Magazine, and the Jungian journal, Psychological Perspectives. She has lectured at Jung groups in the US and UK, and has been interviewed for her work on the goop podcast and elsewhere. She was previously on staff at the Philemon Foundation, which published The Red Book, and has twenty years of practice with The I Ching and dreamwork.


Online Attendance: A link for this salon will be emailed to all registrants within 24 hours of the event.

Recordings: A recording will be emailed to all registrants within 24 hours of live event.

Scholarships & Discounts: This event is free!

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New Moon in Cancer with Carol Ferris
6:00 PM18:00

New Moon in Cancer with Carol Ferris

New Moon in Cancer
Thursday, June 30

6-7:15 pm PDT

All Salome events are hosted online.

A link for the live event will be sent a day in advance & a recording will be sent following.

Just past the summer solstice, the Sun and Moon join in the zodiac sign, Cancer. Even as the Sun reaches its highest point in the sky, its journey in the opposite direction begins, the steadily diminishing light moving us towards harvest as the days grow shorter.

The great lights, now in an arena redolent of maternity and amniotic warmth, join Black Moon Lilith. The great lights illuminate the dark feminine, initiating the lunar cycle as America’s Supreme Court seems bent on using the law to return women to the dark for the state’s purposes.  A hard square from Sun/Moon/Lilith to the Jupiter/Mars conjunction in fiery-let’s-go-Aries suggests the court will be met with resistance.  And Venus and Mercury in airy Gemini can make the conflict and debate lively and even intelligent (we can hope).

Lest we forget the Pluto return of the USA, the Sun will be joined by Mercury in Cancer opposing Pluto in Capricorn: this relatively young nation is facing painful truths about our history, our present, and what that bodes for our future.  Pluto’s deep scour of social systems (Capricorn) will be tempered by the Sun and Mercury’s tender ministrations, perhaps some grace in our collective and personal soul searching.

Note: If you have a copy of your own horoscope, it will be possible to trace these currents to your own experiences. For more information on reading your own natal chart, you can purchase the recording of How to Read Your Own Horoscope 101.

About Carol Ferris

Carol Ferris is a full-time consulting astrologer, teacher, and private tutor of astrology with four decades of experience. She completed her MA in Interdisciplinary Studies at Marylhurst University. The title of her thesis, The Sky's Body: Constellations and Medicine reflects her ongoing interest in nature-based medicine and governance thinking of the ancient Near East and Chinese philosophers and astrologers. Carol's work with the multivalent symbols of astrology is interwoven into work with dreams and active imagination. Over the years, Carol has seen these two frameworks —astrological mapping and Jungian imagery —as mutually beckoning guides to understand how all life, in its exquisite specificity, rises from a unified field.


Online Attendance: A link for this salon will be emailed to all registrants within 24 hours of the event. Household members are welcome to join for the single login.

Recordings: A video will be emailed to all registrants within 24 hours of the event. All New Moon Salon recordings expire after one month.

Scholarships & Discounts: If finances would prevent you from joining us, please send an email with a short note. No questions asked. We would love for you to be able to join.

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New Moon in Gemini with Carol Ferris
6:00 PM18:00

New Moon in Gemini with Carol Ferris

New Moon in Gemini
Thursday, May 26

6-7:15 pm PDT

All Salome events are hosted online.

A link for the live event will be sent a day in advance & a recording will be sent following.

In May, the New Moon makes its way into Gemini, the sign of the twins, a “between-ness” place in the sky. In ancient Sumer, this constellation was known as “The Field,” and was associated with the timing of ploughing; in Egyptian, Mesopotamian, and Phoenician sky culture, it was “Pairs”—of plants, of goats, of boys—a meaning which underlies the later Greek name of the Dioscuri, the twin gods, Castor and Pollux.

For the first time in several months, the Great Luminaries, the Sun and Moon, find themselves away from the major transpersonal forces from earlier in the year, out of their tango with Pluto, their embrace with Jupiter and Neptune, and their wrestle with Uranus. This month, we look back at winter and its struggles, at early spring and the births out of the deep Piscene dreams, and towards the newly stabilized structures that have emerged from those waters to observe their unfolding.

How do we, at this moment, hold the past and future now? 

Note: If you have a copy of your own horoscope, it will be possible to trace these currents to your own experiences. For more information on reading your own natal chart, you can purchase the recording of How to Read Your Own Horoscope 101.

About Carol Ferris

Carol Ferris is a full-time consulting astrologer, teacher, and private tutor of astrology with four decades of experience. She completed her MA in Interdisciplinary Studies at Marylhurst University. The title of her thesis, The Sky's Body: Constellations and Medicine reflects her ongoing interest in nature-based medicine and governance thinking of the ancient Near East and Chinese philosophers and astrologers. Carol's work with the multivalent symbols of astrology is interwoven into work with dreams and active imagination. Over the years, Carol has seen these two frameworks —astrological mapping and Jungian imagery —as mutually beckoning guides to understand how all life, in its exquisite specificity, rises from a unified field.


Online Attendance: A link for this salon will be emailed to all registrants within 24 hours of the event. Household members are welcome to join for the single login.

Recordings: A video will be emailed to all registrants within 24 hours of the event. All New Moon Salon recordings expire after one month.

Scholarships & Discounts: If finances would prevent you from joining us, please send an email with a short note. No questions asked. We would love for you to be able to join.

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Learning to Walk In The Dark The Radical, Transformative Ethos of Yin Wisdom with Ann Carroll, Ph.D.
10:00 AM10:00

Learning to Walk In The Dark The Radical, Transformative Ethos of Yin Wisdom with Ann Carroll, Ph.D.

Learning to Walk in The Dark:
The Radical, Transformative Ethos of Yin Wisdom

with Ann Carroll, Ph.D.

Sundays, May 22 & May 29

10am-12pm PDT

1-3pm EDT

Events will be hosted online.

A link for the live event will be sent a day in advance & recordings will be sent following.

Ann Carroll, Ph.D., the beloved third contributor to The Red Book Podcast, returns to The Salome Institute with her unique approach to translation, this time using a multi-disciplinary point of view to arrive at new interpretations of four Taoist concepts: Fu (return), Su (simplicity), Wu Wei (action of no-action), and the overarching concept of spiritual longing.

In this two-part seminar, over two Sundays, each Taoist concept will undergo a “live translation,” as Ann uses images from art history, depth psychology, and several verses of the Tao Te Ching to better understand how these concepts are tied to the divine center of psyche: to the archetype of The Great Mother, and to what Jung called the ”inmost mystery of life.”

Ann’s unique methods of translation, from pictography to Joycean rendering, provide unique avenues to understanding, while simultaneously adding depth to otherwise elusive concepts, the meanings of which are difficult to express through English alone.

Ann’s teaching style combines life experience, group exercises, lectures, and discussions to leave participants with a felt sense of difficult concepts and the tools to apply the teachings to everyday life.

About Ann Carroll, Ph.D.

Known to the Salome Institute as the third contributor to The Red Book Podcast, Ann Carroll (“Ann from Maine”) is a scholar, translator, and sculptor. Ann received her Ph.D. in Philosophy from the University of Munich. Her dissertation, The Concept of Value in the Early Works of Martin Heidegger, examined the collapsing notion of 'value' at the turn of the twentieth century. Ann later taught art history and Eastern and Western philosophy at the University of Maine and the College of the Atlantic. Her most recent work, A Joycean sTripture of the Tao Ching: A Mediation on Yin Wisdom explores the combined ethos of Taoism and contemporary thought. Ann and her husband, Chick, have lived in Maine for fifty years, where she has taught Philosophy/Art History from a Jungian perspective; Qigong from a Taoist perspective; built and tends to a Meditation Garden open to all; and is the grandmother of eight.


Online Attendance: A link for this salon will be emailed to all registrants within 24 hours of the event. Household members are welcome to join for the single login.

Recordings: Recordings of events will be emailed to all registrants within 24 hours of event.

Scholarships & Discounts: If finances would prevent you from joining us, please send an email with a short note. No questions asked. We would love for you to be able to join.

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Symbols and Dreamwork: Exploring Images of the Unconscious with Satya Doyle Byock
9:00 AM09:00

Symbols and Dreamwork: Exploring Images of the Unconscious with Satya Doyle Byock

Symbols & Dreamwork:

Exploring Images of the Unconscious

with Satya Doyle Byock

A Six Week Series

Fridays, May 6th - June 10th

9 - 10:30 am PDT / 12-1:30pm EDT

Sessions will be hosted live online & same-day recordings will be provided

Certificate for Continued Education Credits available, issued by The Salome Institute

This course is in progress. Registration is now closed.

The archetypal landscape of psyche is profound. Collective themes and images emerge in our dreams, inviting us individually to ponder shared questions and pursue similar areas of growth. Exploring dreamwork and archetypal themes together can provide a deepened understanding of our own individual psyches and the infinite ways in which we are connected.

In this six-week seminar on symbols and dreamwork, we’ll begin each session amplifying a frequent dream theme—one single image from a mythic, archetypal, and cultural perspective. There are countless directions in which we could move. Some of the symbols likely to lead this archetypal deep-dive are Snake, Spider, Water, Homes, Cars, and Airplanes. Dreams with these elements tend to share themes with one another and they’re commonly occurring.

After discussing a dream symbol through lecture and discussion, we’ll spend time with one of the group participant’s dreams. Satya will host the dreamer, “feeling into” the dream for associations and amplification of images, inviting personal reflections before opening up the exploration to the larger gathering for “if this were my dream…” ; a safe, guided query into the way the dream impacts and resonates with others.

All participants will be invited at the start of each session to state whether they’d like to work a particular dream with the group. A dream will then be chosen by psyche, through synchronistic chance, with total trust that the dream we’ll work is the dream meant for the group that day.

These sessions will build on Satya’s eight-week course held in March and April of this year, though it is not necessary to have taken that seminar in order to participate.

A closed, safe online community space will be available to group participants for continued sharing and collective learning between weeks.

Recordings: All sessions will be recorded for any participants who are unable to attend the live salons or who prefer to watch at a different time.

About Satya Doyle Byock, MA, LPC

Satya Doyle Byock is the founder and director of The Salome Institute. She is a psychotherapist in private practice and the author of Quarterlife: The Search for Self in Early Adulthood, to be published by Random House July 26, 2022.

Satya was previously on staff at the Philemon Foundation, which publishes Jung's unpublished archives, including The Red Book and The Black Books. She has twenty years of practice with The I Ching and dreamwork. Her writing has been published in The Utne Reader, goop, Oregon Humanities Magazine, and the Jungian journal, Psychological Perspectives. She has lectured at Jung groups in the US and UK, and has been interviewed for her work on the goop podcast and elsewhere.


Online Attendance: Links for Zoom sessions will be made available to all registrants through a password-protected course website.

Scholarships & Discounts: It is important to us that this material be accessible. If finances would prevent you from joining us, please send an email with a short note. We would love for you to be able to join.

CEU: Participants can earn 9 CEs — Continued Education Credit hours — for this seminar. Please review this page on Continued Education Credits.

Recordings: Sessions will be recorded. Same day access to recordings will be provided through the course website.

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New Moon in Taurus with Carol Ferris
6:00 PM18:00

New Moon in Taurus with Carol Ferris

New Moon in Taurus
Thursday, April 28

6-7:15 pm PDT

All Salome events are hosted online.

A link for the live event will be sent a day in advance & a recording will be sent following

Bulls and oxen share the characteristic known in the Spanish bullfighting world as querencia, loosely translated as "the place where one feels most comfortable and true.” As the Sun and Moon enter the zodiac sign Taurus, all of nature—giddy and perhaps rowdy from rapidly growing up and out—begins to find its happiest place, and begins to stabilize to feed, growing blooms with earth energy. Longer and warmer days heat the dirt, and the light opens the blossoms. All life begins to relax into arrival and solidity.

This month, the Sun and Moon join the revolutionary force, Uranus, who has been inhabiting the bulls’ world for some time now—Uranus took up long-term residence in Taurus in March of 2019. Western mythology associates Uranus with “outsider” qualities, and this journey of the revolutionary through the Earth field of dirt and stability has been provoking many insecurities and shakeups in the status quo.

When the luminaries heat up the revolutionary, amplifying its ongoing argument with Saturn—the authority figure—what encounters between change and status quo will we face? How will we reconcile these great forces in our directions?

Note: If you have a copy of your own horoscope, it will be possible to trace these currents to your own experiences. For more information on reading your own natal chart, you can purchase the recording of How to Read Your Own Horoscope 101.

About Carol Ferris

Carol Ferris is a full-time consulting astrologer, teacher, and private tutor of astrology with four decades of experience. She completed her MA in Interdisciplinary Studies at Marylhurst University. The title of her thesis, The Sky's Body: Constellations and Medicine reflects her ongoing interest in nature-based medicine and governance thinking of the ancient Near East and Chinese philosophers and astrologers. Carol's work with the multivalent symbols of astrology is interwoven into work with dreams and active imagination. Over the years, Carol has seen these two frameworks —astrological mapping and Jungian imagery —as mutually beckoning guides to understand how all life, in its exquisite specificity, rises from a unified field.


Online Attendance: A link for this salon will be emailed to all registrants within 24 hours of the event. Household members are welcome to join for the single login.

Recordings: Recordings of events will be emailed to all registrants within 24 hours of event. All New Moon Salon recordings expire after one month.

Scholarships & Discounts: If finances would prevent you from joining us, please send an email with a short note. No questions asked. We would love for you to be able to join.

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Diagnosing The Dictators with Satya Doyle Byock and Carol Ferris
10:00 AM10:00

Diagnosing The Dictators with Satya Doyle Byock and Carol Ferris

Diagnosing The Dictators:
A Benefit for Ukrainian Refugees

with Satya Doyle Byock and Carol Ferris

Sunday, April 10, 2022

10 - 11:30am PDT

1 - 2:30pm EDT / 5 - 6:30pm UTC

All seminars are hosted online. Recordings are provided to all registrants.

All proceeds will be donated to support refugees.

It is a great mistake to think that a dictator becomes so on account of personal reasons, such as that he had a strong resistance to his father.
— C.G. Jung, "Diagnosing the Dictators," 1938

In 1938, C.G. Jung spoke with foreign correspondent, H.R. Knickerbocker, about the psychologies of European authoritarian leaders of the time. Originally published in Cosmopolitan, this interview, now titled “Diagnosis the Dictators,” made Jung a household name in the United States and begins with the question: “What would happen if you were to lock Hitler, Mussolini, and Stalin in a room together…”.

Throughout this fascinating dialogue, Jung speaks at length about the psychological intricacies of these dictators. He makes countless observations on the similarities and differences between Mussolini and Hitler, the dangers of an inferiority complex in individuals and nations, and offers unusual perspectives that might be of value in understanding authoritarian leaders today.

In this 90-minute salon and benefit for refugees fleeing Ukraine, Satya Doyle Byock and Carol Ferris will read this interview in its entirety as a way to explore what can be learned and understood about the drive toward power and dictatorial control now, as a senseless war ravages Ukraine and the potential for other wars linger throughout the world.

After a brief introduction, and the full reading of “Diagnosing the Dictators,” Satya and Carol will hold space for a Q&A with community members.

(Participants are welcome to order the book, C.G. Jung Speaking, in which “Diagnosing the Dictators” is printed, but no advanced reading or purchase is required).

If you are unable to join us live or would like to watch this on your own time, a recording will be sent to all registrants within 24 hours of the live event.

All proceeds from this salon will go towards supporting refugees.

About Satya Doyle Byock, MA, LPC

Satya Doyle Byock is the founder and director of The Salome Institute. She is a psychotherapist in private practice and the author of Quarterlife: The Search for Self in Early Adulthood, to be published by Random House on July 26, 2022. Satya’s writing has been published in The Utne Reader, goop, Oregon Humanities Magazine, and the Jungian journal, Psychological Perspectives. She has lectured at Jung groups in the US and UK, and has been interviewed for her work on the goop podcast and elsewhere.

About Carol Ferris, MA

Carol Ferris is a full-time consulting astrologer, teacher, and private tutor of astrology with four decades of experience. She completed her MA in Interdisciplinary Studies at Marylhurst University. The title of her thesis, The Sky's Body: Constellations and Medicine reflects her ongoing interest in nature-based medicine and governance thinking of the ancient Near East and Chinese philosophers and astrologers. Carol's work with the multivalent symbols of astrology is interwoven into work with dreams and active imagination. Over the years, Carol has seen these two frameworks —astrological mapping and Jungian imagery —as mutually beckoning guides to understand how all life, in its exquisite specificity, rises from a unified field.


Online Attendance: a link for Zoom will be sent to all registrants via email in advance of this salon.

Recording: A recording will be made available to all registered participants following live event.

Scholarships & Discounts: There are discount codes available for those unable to donate teh full amount. Click the register link for more information.

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Feeding the Instinctual Self with Magda Permut Ph.D.
6:00 PM18:00

Feeding the Instinctual Self with Magda Permut Ph.D.

Feeding the Instinctual Self

Living into Myth through the Work of Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés

with Magda Permut, Ph.D.

A Three-Part Seminar

April 5th, 12th, 19th

Tuesdays, 6-7:30pm PDT

Sessions will be hosted live online & Same-day recordings will be provided

Certificate for 4.5 Continued Education Credits available, issued by The Salome Institute

This three-session seminar will offer an experiential immersion into the teachings of Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés. Over the course of three gatherings, we will dive into the liminal through the storytelling of a single myth, finding ourselves in the story and allowing it to work on us. 

Throughout the seminar, we will discuss the concept of “overculture” and explore how we can make our daily lives countercultural by connecting in small, deliberate, consistent ways with our “instinctual self.”

Guided by Dr. Permut, participants will be supported to develop a personalized way to engage the myth between sessions through intuitive practices like meditation, dreamwork, active imagination, and ritual. This transformative experience is designed for individuals of all genders and lived experiences.

All registered students will have access to a course website that will provide the following:

  • Zoom link for live sessions

  • Readings in pdf format

  • Prompt weekly recordings of live sessions

  • Community space for comments, dialogue, and group interaction

  • Additional resources as needed

Each session will be 90min in length. Live participation is encouraged but not required. Recordings are available to all registered students.

About Magda Permut, Ph.D.

Magda Permut is a psychologist in private practice in Portland, Oregon. She has a Ph.D. in Clinical and Community Psychology from the University of Maryland Baltimore County.  Her work draws on training in behaviorism and depth psychology, herbalism, spiritual and artistic recovery, gardening, antiracism, feminism, and her own soul recovery.  She has been studying and practicing the work of Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés for more than a decade and has joined her in over 80 hours of direct instruction. Magda strives to provide programming that inspires individuals to create a new world by connecting deeply with themselves, each other, and the mystery.


Online Attendance: Links for Zoom sessions will be made available to all registrants through a password-protected course website.

Scholarships & Discounts: It is important to us that this material be accessible. If finances would prevent you from joining us, please send an email with a short note. We would love for you to be able to join.

CEU: Participants can earn 4.5 CEs — Continued Education Credit hours — for this seminar. Please review this page on Continued Education Credits.

Recordings: Sessions will be recorded. Same day access to recordings will be provided through the course website.

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New Moon in Aries with Carol Ferris
6:00 PM18:00

New Moon in Aries with Carol Ferris

New Moon in Aries
Thursday, March 31

6-7:15 pm PDT

All Salome events are hosted online.

A link for the live event will be sent a day in advance & a recording will be sent following

Now the nights and days are of equal length. The bright yang energy thrusts itself forward out of dark yin containment and rushes up: we’re alive!  We’re alive!  This new moon finds us ecstatically rolling down newly green hillsides. Plants push red tips into the blue sky. Baby animals fill the fields. We made it through another winter!

This month, the great lights of the Sun and Moon join Chiron—the healer—and Mercury—the storyteller—in the early territory of Aries, the sign of the ram, bringing us diagnostics and medicine in this early springtime. 

The Ram – and his child, the Lamb – figure prominently in many early Western mythologies. There is the woolly-headed ram with curved horns adapted early on by the Theban Egyptians; the supernatural ram sent by Zeus to save children from their wicked stepmother, which furnishes the golden fleece that draws heroic Jason; and there is the Lamb of God, the sacrificed Christ. The theme of potency and the vulnerability of the child to the powerful drives of the father figure prominently in these myths. The great Aries age saw the rise of the masculine and the patriarchal.

As the Sun gains ascendancy in Spring, where will we experience the power surge, how conscious will we be of that power and our effect on others?

Note: If you have a copy of your own horoscope, it will be possible to trace these currents to your own experiences. For more information on reading your own natal chart, you can purchase the recording of How to Read Your Own Horoscope 101.

About Carol Ferris

Carol Ferris is a full-time consulting astrologer, teacher, and private tutor of astrology with four decades of experience. She completed her MA in Interdisciplinary Studies at Marylhurst University. The title of her thesis, The Sky's Body: Constellations and Medicine reflects her ongoing interest in nature-based medicine and governance thinking of the ancient Near East and Chinese philosophers and astrologers. Carol's work with the multivalent symbols of astrology is interwoven into work with dreams and active imagination. Over the years, Carol has seen these two frameworks —astrological mapping and Jungian imagery —as mutually beckoning guides to understand how all life, in its exquisite specificity, rises from a unified field.


Online Attendance: A link for this salon will be emailed to all registrants within 24 hours of the event. Household members are welcome to join for the single login.

Recordings: Recordings of events will be emailed to all registrants within 24 hours of event. All New Moon Salon recordings expire after one month.

Scholarships & Discounts: If finances would prevent you from joining us, please send an email with a short note. No questions asked. We would love for you to be able to join.

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The Archetype of Change in Speculative Fiction:  Spring Book Club (3 Month Series) - Session 2
10:00 AM10:00

The Archetype of Change in Speculative Fiction: Spring Book Club (3 Month Series) - Session 2

The Archetype of Change in Speculative Fiction: A Book Club

with Ayana Jamieson, Ph.D.

6 Sundays:
March 6 & 20, April 10 & 24, and May 15 & 29
10am - 12pm PDT / 1pm-3pm EDT

Sessions will be hosted online

Community space and same-day recordings provided

*Please note this series is underway; our first session was on March 6; registration is open!

Dr. Ayana Jamieson returns to the Salome Institute to lead a spring book club exploring the archetype of Change via speculative fiction.

In this three book series, Dr. Jamieson will lead a discussion on the new and emergent mythologies of change in three Black speculative fiction novels for the months of March, April, and May. Participants will gain insight into archetypes in culture, the nature of Change as an archetype, and what mythologies of change mean for the individual, the community, and in relationship to the cultures in which these archetypes exist.

Over three months, we will read one book each by Octavia E. Butler, N.K. Jemisin, and Suyi Davies Okungbowo. Registration is open for each month individually ($90) or register for all three months at once at a significant discount ($225).

In Wild Seed (1980), Octavia E. Butler writes characters that embody the archetype of Change. It is her only text that takes place entirely in the past. Anyanwu’s ability to shapeshift and Doro's knack for changing bodies form the fertile ground for teasing out the archetype of Change in other speculative works. Change is not linear, one-sided, or wholly positive. It is sometimes brought about by rupture, resistance, chaos, and rebirth. This month’s gatherings will take a deep dive into a text which teeters on the precipice of radical transformation that is so needed today. The story patterns of change are not only led by a conquering individual hero but instead, are in relationship with nature and in community with others—human and non-human. This text asks, among other things: what we would do if we could heal ourselves, our loved ones, and our communities from the inside out?

The Fifth Season by N.K. Jemisin is told from the perspective of three characters at once: Maiden, Mother, and Crone. The planet in the novel is on the brink of collapse and readers get to see how the irreparable damage to the ecosystem unfolds with lessons about the ways that disasters develop. As a trained counseling psychologist, the author, Jemisin, acknowledges the ways that psychodynamic theory impacts her work along with copious research on mythologies, archetypes, and cosmologies. She levels valid critiques on the biased lenses of some of the source materials that she’s consulted. Jemisin has long been interested in societies on the verge of collapse. Her award-winning works often make readers wonder how we would navigate a preventable end of the world; how we find affinity, and how we take ownership of ourselves and our gifts.

Son of the Storm by Suyi Davies Okungbowo is an original work written from the perspectives of multiple harbingers of change, individuals on the margins who must survive rigid and oppressive conditions, false information, and the erasure of realities. Can we root out the controlling and limiting aspects of the culture we are born into or will we leave the ordinary world to find our communities, even when we don't know what else exists within us and in the unknown?

Check out these titles in The Salome Bookshop*:
Wild Seed by Octavia E. Butler
The Fifth Season by N.K. Jemisin
Son of The Storm by Suyi Davies Okungbowa

*When you buy a book using a link on this page, we receive a commission. Thank you for supporting The Salome Institute.

A few important notes on the structure for this three-part seminar:

  • Registrants will have access to a community page for group engagement between sessions. Participation is entirely voluntary.

  • Recordings will be provided to all who register. We strive to always provide recordings within 24hours of the live session. For the sake of confidentiality, recordings can never be downloaded. Recordings are not available to anyone who does not register and will ultimately expire.

  • Readings are not provided. All registered participants are encouraged to purchase these three novels in advance of scheduled gatherings.

  • Reading assignments will be posted to ensure that everyone is… on the same page.

Ayana Jamieson, Ph.D.

About Ayana Jamieson, Ph.D.

Ayana Jamieson is an educator, mythologist, and depth psychologist. She is the founder of the Octavia E. Butler Legacy Network, a global community founded in 2011, committed to highlighting Octavia Butler’s life and work while creating new works inspired by Butler’s legacy. Ayana’s essay, “Far Beyond the Stars” contains methods for curating your own archive and appears in the Black Futures anthology edited by Kimberly Drew and Jenna Wortham (One World). Her writing also appears in 51 Feminist Thinkers (Routledge), Uneven Futures: Strategies for Community Survival from Speculative Fiction (MIT Press), and elsewhere. She teaches ethnic studies courses at California State University Polytechnic, Pomona.


Scholarships & Discounts: It is important to us that this material be accessible. If finances would prevent you from joining us, please send an email with a short note. We would love for you to be able to join.

Online Attendance: Links for Zoom sessions will be made available to all registrants via email at least one day prior to the first session.

Recordings: Sessions will be recorded for those registrants unable to attend live. The recording of session one is immediately available upon registration.

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The Archetype of Change in Speculative Fiction:  Spring Book Club (3 Month Series)
10:00 AM10:00

The Archetype of Change in Speculative Fiction: Spring Book Club (3 Month Series)

The Archetype of Change in Speculative Fiction: A Book Club

with Ayana Jamieson, Ph.D.

6 Sundays:
March 6 & 20, April 10 & 24, and May 15 & 29
10am - 12pm PDT / 1pm-3pm EDT

Sessions will be hosted online

Community space and same-day recordings provided

image of three speculative fiction books, wild seed, the fifth season, and son of the storm

Dr. Ayana Jamieson returns to the Salome Institute to lead a spring book club exploring the archetype of Change via speculative fiction.

In this three book series, Dr. Jamieson will lead a discussion on the new and emergent mythologies of change in three Black speculative fiction novels for the months of March, April, and May. Participants will gain insight into archetypes in culture, the nature of Change as an archetype, and what mythologies of change mean for the individual, the community, and in relationship to the cultures in which these archetypes exist.

Over three months, we will read one book each by Octavia E. Butler, N.K. Jemisin, and Suyi Davies Okungbowo. Registration is open for each month individually ($90) or register for all three months at once at a significant discount ($225).

In Wild Seed (1980), Octavia E. Butler writes characters that embody the archetype of Change. It is her only text that takes place entirely in the past. Anyanwu’s ability to shapeshift and Doro's knack for changing bodies form the fertile ground for teasing out the archetype of Change in other speculative works. Change is not linear, one-sided, or wholly positive. It is sometimes brought about by rupture, resistance, chaos, and rebirth. This month’s gatherings will take a deep dive into a text which teeters on the precipice of radical transformation that is so needed today. The story patterns of change are not only led by a conquering individual hero but instead, are in relationship with nature and in community with others—human and non-human. This text asks, among other things: what we would do if we could heal ourselves, our loved ones, and our communities from the inside out?

The Fifth Season by N.K. Jemisin is told from the perspective of three characters at once: Maiden, Mother, and Crone. The planet in the novel is on the brink of collapse and readers get to see how the irreparable damage to the ecosystem unfolds with lessons about the ways that disasters develop. As a trained counseling psychologist, the author, Jemisin, acknowledges the ways that psychodynamic theory impacts her work along with copious research on mythologies, archetypes, and cosmologies. She levels valid critiques on the biased lenses of some of the source materials that she’s consulted. Jemisin has long been interested in societies on the verge of collapse. Her award-winning works often make readers wonder how we would navigate a preventable end of the world; how we find affinity, and how we take ownership of ourselves and our gifts.

Son of the Storm by Suyi Davies Okungbowo is an original work written from the perspectives of multiple harbingers of change, individuals on the margins who must survive rigid and oppressive conditions, false information, and the erasure of realities. Can we root out the controlling and limiting aspects of the culture we are born into or will we leave the ordinary world to find our communities, even when we don't know what else exists within us and in the unknown?

Check out these titles in The Salome Bookshop*:
Wild Seed by Octavia E. Butler
The Fifth Season by N.K. Jemisin
Son of The Storm by Suyi Davies Okungbowa

*When you buy a book using a link on this page, we receive a commission. Thank you for supporting The Salome Institute.

A few important notes on the structure for this three-part seminar:

  • Registrants will have access to a community page for group engagement between sessions. Participation is entirely voluntary.

  • Recordings will be provided to all who register. We strive to always provide recordings within 24hours of the live session. For the sake of confidentiality, recordings can never be downloaded. Recordings are not available to anyone who does not register and will ultimately expire.

  • Readings are not provided. All registered participants are encouraged to purchase these three novels in advance of scheduled gatherings.

  • Reading assignments will be posted to ensure that everyone is… on the same page.

Ayana Jamieson, Ph.D.

About Ayana Jamieson, Ph.D.

Ayana Jamieson is an educator, mythologist, and depth psychologist. She is the founder of the Octavia E. Butler Legacy Network, a global community founded in 2011, committed to highlighting Octavia Butler’s life and work while creating new works inspired by Butler’s legacy. Ayana’s essay, “Far Beyond the Stars” contains methods for curating your own archive and appears in the Black Futures anthology edited by Kimberly Drew and Jenna Wortham (One World). Her writing also appears in 51 Feminist Thinkers (Routledge), Uneven Futures: Strategies for Community Survival from Speculative Fiction (MIT Press), and elsewhere. She teaches ethnic studies courses at California State University Polytechnic, Pomona.


Scholarships & Discounts: It is important to us that this material be accessible. If finances would prevent you from joining us, please send an email with a short note. We would love for you to be able to join.

Online Attendance: Links for Zoom sessions will be made available to all registrants via email at least one day prior to the first session.

Recordings: Sessions will be recorded for those registrants unable to attend live. The recording of session one is immediately available upon registration.

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New Moon in Pisces with Carol Ferris
6:00 PM18:00

New Moon in Pisces with Carol Ferris

New Moon in Pisces
Thursday, March 3

6-7:15 pm PST*

(*please note the new 75min length)

All Salome events are hosted online.

A link for the live event will be sent a day in advance & a recording will be sent following

This New Moon cycle begins with the great luminaries joining Jupiter and Neptune in the sign of the two fish, Pisces.  We are swimming in big water: the Water Bearer’s urn has created an ocean and these depths can be imagined as both literal oceans and as cosmic oceans—places of powerful origin. Many of our first stories tell us that all life arises from water, whether it’s single-celled animals emerging from saltwater, or divinity creating land by pushing back the oceans.

In this season of betweenness—between winter and spring, between cold and warmth—we will want to ride the currents forward towards heat and growth.  And what currents!  Jupiter is the symbol in mythology and astrology for expansion and creativity; Neptune in the western tradition is the ocean itself. The yang energy of solar light and the yin energy of lunar light, activation and reflection together, will find us full of feeling, perhaps overwhelmed (even joyously so) and eager to get on with new life, dreaming, surrendering, swaying to unconscious rhythms and melodies. 

How will we ride this big tide?

Note: If you have a copy of your own horoscope, it will be possible to trace these currents to your own experiences. For more information on reading your own natal chart, you can purchase the recording of How to Read Your Own Horoscope 101.

About Carol Ferris

Carol Ferris is a full-time consulting astrologer, teacher, and private tutor of astrology with four decades of experience. She completed her MA in Interdisciplinary Studies at Marylhurst University. The title of her thesis, The Sky's Body: Constellations and Medicine reflects her ongoing interest in nature-based medicine and governance thinking of the ancient Near East and Chinese philosophers and astrologers. Carol's work with the multivalent symbols of astrology is interwoven into work with dreams and active imagination. Over the years, Carol has seen these two frameworks —astrological mapping and Jungian imagery —as mutually beckoning guides to understand how all life, in its exquisite specificity, rises from a unified field.


Online Attendance: A link for this salon will be emailed to all registrants within 24 hours of the event. Household members are welcome to join for the single login.

Recordings: Recordings of events will be emailed to all registrants within 24 hours of event. All New Moon Salon recordings expire after one month.

Scholarships & Discounts: If finances would prevent you from joining us, please send an email with a short note. No questions asked. We would love for you to be able to join.

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Working with the Unconscious with Satya Doyle Byock - Session 2
9:00 AM09:00

Working with the Unconscious with Satya Doyle Byock - Session 2

Working with the Unconscious - Session 2

The Foundations of Jungian Psychology in Practice

with Satya Doyle Byock

An Eight Week Seminar

February & March

Fridays, 9 - 11 am PDT / 12-2pm EDT

(This seminar is in progress; our second session is February 18th)

Sessions will be hosted live online & same-day recordings will be provided

Certificate for Continued Education Credits available, issued by The Salome Institute

IMPORTANT: THIS SEMINAR IS UNDERWAY — If you register now, you’ll receive a recording of Session 1. We gather again, live, for Session 2, on Friday, February 18.

If our last course, the Foundations of Jungian Psychology, offered students the “what,” this upcoming seminar, Working with the Unconscious, will provide the “how.”

For students who are new to this form of inquiry as well as those seeking an enriching dive back into the core tools of Jungian psychology, this seminar will provide an opportunity to deepen such practices as dreamwork, active imagination, the use of projection for self-understanding, alchemical thinking, the observation of daydreams and fantasies, and more.

Each gathering will include some lecture, live demonstrations, in-session exercises, and discussion of between-session readings. At each step, the goal will be to deepen the understanding of symbolic thinking and the experience of a lived relationship with the unconscious. Our focus will be to provide enriching, accessible, and valuable material for self-work and self-understanding.

Satya’s approach is to witness the inner self with empathy and interest: what does she/he/they want to say? What do they need? How can they be a genuine partner in the co-creation of one’s life and the world? We’ll work on developing or enhancing this self-observational lens—not with criticism, but with curiosity

These sessions will build on Satya’s eight-week course held in the fall of 2021, though it is not necessary to have taken that seminar in order to participate in this one.

All registered students will have access to a course website that will provide the following:

  • Zoom link for live sessions

  • Readings in pdf format

  • Prompt weekly recordings of live sessions

  • Space for comments, dialogue, and community building with other participants

  • Additional resources

Session will be two hours in length, with a short break in the middle. Every effort will be made to balance direct instruction with individual practice and group engagement.

Recordings: All sessions will be recorded for any participants who are unable to attend the live salons or who prefer to watch at a different time. There is no expectation that those registered attend all—or any—live gatherings.

About Satya Doyle Byock, MA, LPC

Satya Doyle Byock is the founder and director of The Salome Institute. She is a psychotherapist in private practice and the author of Quarterlife: The Search for Self in Early Adulthood, to be published by Random House July 26, 2022.

Satya was previously on staff at the Philemon Foundation, which publishes Jung's unpublished archives, including The Red Book and The Black Books. She has twenty years of practice with The I Ching and dreamwork. Her writing has been published in The Utne Reader, goop, Oregon Humanities Magazine, and the Jungian journal, Psychological Perspectives. She has lectured at Jung groups in the US and UK, and has been interviewed for her work on the goop podcast and elsewhere.


Online Attendance: Links for Zoom sessions will be made available to all registrants through a password-protected course website.

Scholarships & Discounts: It is important to us that this material be accessible. If finances would prevent you from joining us, please send an email with a short note. We would love for you to be able to join.

CEU: Participants can earn 16 CEs — Continued Education Credit hours — for this seminar. Please review this page on Continued Education Credits.

Recordings: Sessions will be recorded. Same day access to recordings will be provided through the course website.

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Working with the Unconscious with Satya Doyle Byock
9:00 AM09:00

Working with the Unconscious with Satya Doyle Byock

Working with the Unconscious

The Foundations of Jungian Psychology in Practice

with Satya Doyle Byock

An Eight Week Seminar

February & March

(Seminar will now begin February 11th)

Fridays, 9 - 11 am PDT / 12-2pm EDT

Sessions will be hosted live online & Same-day recordings will be provided

Certificate for Continued Education Credits available, issued by The Salome Institute

THIS SEMINAR HAS BEEN PUSHED BACK ONE WEEK — we will begin on February 11th and meet for the final session on April 1st. Nothing else about the seminar has changed.

If our last course, the Foundations of Jungian Psychology, offered students the “what,” this upcoming seminar, Working with the Unconscious, will provide the “how.”

For students who are new to this form of inquiry as well as those seeking an enriching dive back into the core tools of Jungian psychology, this seminar will provide an opportunity to deepen such practices as dreamwork, active imagination, the use of projection for self-understanding, alchemical thinking, the observation of daydreams and fantasies, and more.

Each gathering will include some lecture, live demonstrations, in-session exercises, and discussion of between-session readings. At each step, the goal will be to deepen the understanding of symbolic thinking and the experience of a lived relationship with the unconscious. Our focus will be to provide enriching, accessible, and valuable material for self-work and self-understanding.

Satya’s approach is to witness the inner self with empathy and interest: what does she/he/they want to say? What do they need? How can they be a genuine partner in the co-creation of one’s life and the world? We’ll work on developing or enhancing this self-observational lens—not with criticism, but with curiosity

These sessions will build on Satya’s eight-week course held in the fall of 2021, though it is not necessary to have taken that seminar in order to participate in this one.

All registered students will have access to a course website that will provide the following:

  • Zoom link for live sessions

  • Readings in pdf format

  • Prompt weekly recordings of live sessions

  • Space for comments, dialogue, and community building with other participants

  • Additional resources

Session will be two hours in length, with a short break in the middle. Every effort will be made to balance direct instruction with individual practice and group engagement.

Recordings: All sessions will be recorded for any participants who are unable to attend the live salons or who prefer to watch at a different time. There is no expectation that those registered attend all—or any—live gatherings.

About Satya Doyle Byock, MA, LPC

Satya Doyle Byock is the founder and director of The Salome Institute. She is a psychotherapist in private practice and the author of Quarterlife: The Search for Self in Early Adulthood, to be published by Random House July 26, 2022.

Satya was previously on staff at the Philemon Foundation, which publishes Jung's unpublished archives, including The Red Book and The Black Books. She has twenty years of practice with The I Ching and dreamwork. Her writing has been published in The Utne Reader, goop, Oregon Humanities Magazine, and the Jungian journal, Psychological Perspectives. She has lectured at Jung groups in the US and UK, and has been interviewed for her work on the goop podcast and elsewhere.


Online Attendance: Links for Zoom sessions will be made available to all registrants through a password-protected course website.

Scholarships & Discounts: It is important to us that this material be accessible. If finances would prevent you from joining us, please send an email with a short note. We would love for you to be able to join.

CEU: Participants can earn 16 CEs — Continued Education Credit hours — for this seminar. Please review this page on Continued Education Credits.

Recordings: Sessions will be recorded. Same day access to recordings will be provided through the course website.

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January's New Moon in Aquarius with Carol Ferris
6:00 PM18:00

January's New Moon in Aquarius with Carol Ferris

January’s New Moon in Aquarius
Thursday, January 27th

6-7:15 pm PST*

(*please note the new 75min length)

All Salome events are hosted online.

A link for the live event will be sent a day in advance & a recording will be sent following

The Sun and the Moon join in the sign of the Great Water Bearer, one of the oldest western constellations, which depicts a large man pouring water from an urn into a waiting fish mouth.  This part of the sky, known as “the Water” or “the Sea,” is filled with images of fish, sea monsters, the goat with the fishtail (Capricorn), and the river Eridanus. It’s wet because light is returning: as there is more light, there is more heat, and as there is more heat, the rigidity of winter softens and so there is more flow.

The great luminaries in Aquarius are flanked by Mars, Mercury, Venus Rx and Pluto still traveling in Capricorn. Jupiter and Neptune, meanwhile, are traveling in next-door neighbor Pisces.  This point in our current cycle is almost entirely fluid, with the exception of Taurus earth and Aries fire. 

After the deep dark rest of solstice and winter, how is light and movement calling us to stir our bones and bring forward what has been conserved?  Are we ready?  Couldn’t we just hit “snooze” and keep the covers pulled up? 

Note: If you have a copy of your own horoscope, it will be possible to trace these currents to your own experiences. For more information on reading your own natal chart, you can purchase the recording of How to Read Your Own Horoscope 101.

About Carol Ferris

Carol Ferris is a full-time consulting astrologer, teacher, and private tutor of astrology with four decades of experience. She completed her MA in Interdisciplinary Studies at Marylhurst University. The title of her thesis, The Sky's Body: Constellations and Medicine reflects her ongoing interest in nature-based medicine and governance thinking of the ancient Near East and Chinese philosophers and astrologers. Carol's work with the multivalent symbols of astrology is interwoven into work with dreams and active imagination. Over the years, Carol has seen these two frameworks —astrological mapping and Jungian imagery —as mutually beckoning guides to understand how all life, in its exquisite specificity, rises from a unified field.


Online Attendance: A link for this salon will be emailed to all registrants within 24 hours of the event. Household members are welcome to join for the single login.

Recordings: Recordings of events will be emailed to all registrants within 24 hours of event. All New Moon Salon recordings expire after one month.

Scholarships & Discounts: If finances would prevent you from joining us, please send an email with a short note. No questions asked. We would love for you to be able to join.

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January's New Moon in Capricorn with Carol Ferris
6:00 PM18:00

January's New Moon in Capricorn with Carol Ferris

January’s New Moon in Capricorn

Thursday, January 6nd

6-7:15 pm PST*

(*please note the new 75min length)

All Salome events are hosted online.

A link for the live event will be sent a day in advance & a recording will be sent following

In this first 2022 installment of our monthly salons on the New Moon with astrologer Carol Ferris, we’ll explore the archetypal essence of Capricorn through myth and modernity and learn about the astrology of the month ahead.

Our New Moon in Capricorn: double dark – the darkest time of the year, the darkest time of the month — the intense inward turning of life, the conservation of the light inside the dark is the preoccupation now.  To begin the New Year, the Sun, Moon, and Venus join Pluto in dark feminine earthy Capricorn, and we are instructed to be careful with our energy.  The deep inner quiet of winter’s center – exacerbated by our long journey through covid, confinement, restrictions of movement and growth – asks for more patience and containment. 

Even as expansive Jupiter enters Pisces and urges a big creative leap into the world’s ocean currents – a surge; even as Mars in Sagittarius continues to take us on a rocket ride of imagination and inspiration; even as Saturn and Uranus square off again for another year of arguments about who’s in charge, what will change, who gets to say what will change – even with all that, time asks us to stay well in deep quiet, to conserve our qi, to be ready when the light returns in February and March. 

Note: If you have a copy of your own horoscope, it will be possible to trace these currents to your own experiences. For more information on reading your own natal chart, you can purchase the recording of How to Read Your Own Horoscope 101, recorded live on June 27th, 2021.

About Carol Ferris

Carol Ferris is a full-time consulting astrologer, teacher, and private tutor of astrology with four decades of experience. She completed her MA in Interdisciplinary Studies at Marylhurst University. The title of her thesis, The Sky's Body: Constellations and Medicine reflects her ongoing interest in nature-based medicine and governance thinking of the ancient Near East and Chinese philosophers and astrologers. Carol's work with the multivalent symbols of astrology is interwoven into work with dreams and active imagination. Over the years, Carol has seen these two frameworks —astrological mapping and Jungian imagery —as mutually beckoning guides to understand how all life, in its exquisite specificity, rises from a unified field.


Online Attendance: A link for this salon will be emailed to all registrants within 24 hours of the event. Household members are welcome to join for the single login.

Recordings: Recordings of events will be emailed to all registrants within 24 hours of event. All New Moon Salon recordings expire after one month.

Scholarships & Discounts: If finances would prevent you from joining us, please send an email with a short note. No questions asked. We would love for you to be able to join.

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